
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 30 ianuarie 2015

Flower of Life

Cat de dor mi-a fost de Soare! Totusi noi, oamenii, suntem facuti pentru caldura si mi se pare destul de ciudat ca ne-am incapatanat sa vietuim chiar si in locuri reci, umbroase. Zilele astea ne bucuram de fiecare raza si desi aici avem un muntisor peste drum de casa, care iarna nu lasa decat cateva ore de lumina calda sa razbata pana la noi, dimineata luam micul dejun asezonat cu soare si e delicios:)
Oricum, am avut putine clipe cand am dus dorul verii, pentru ca in ultimul timp se intampla multe, multe si am de pregatit tot felul de proiecte, comenzi, asa ca nici nu ma asez bine la masuta, ca se lasa seara (daca era soare si cald tot timpul, probabil as fi devenit geloasa:))

Mi s-a facut dor de atmosefera de la targuri (de cele la care mergeam acum niste ani, pentru ca de atunci s-au cam schimbat...) si tare m-am bucurat cand am fost anuntata de buna mea prietena ca o sa organizeze unul, in Bucuresti (motiv ascuns de excursie, stiu:)). Asa ca pe 14 februarie o sa fiu cu toata colectia si mult entuziasm la Ceainaria cinci.

EN: I've started missing the Sun. I can't imagine why people decided to live in cold and dark places, while I feel we surely need warmth and light. These days we've been having Sun, but it's funny cause during winter, the little mountan in front of the house keeps most of the sunlight behind. Just in the morning we can enjoy breakfast with a taste of sun and it's such a treat:D
In a way it is ok that the weather is not too pleasant, cause otherwise I'd feel like being outside all the time and lately I had a lot of painting to do (I'm planning in the summer to install an outdoor workshop so I can enjoy the beautiful weather). I'm also preparing for a market, on Valentine's Day and I'm so excited. I really missed these events, meeting with so many people and artists and it will be as well a good excuse for a trip:D

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