
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 18 martie 2015


Inima, motorul vietii si o parte dintr-un motor de masina (aproape precis redat, dar nu ma pricep prea bine la mecanica:). Ambele genereaza energia necesara functionarii unor masinarii: corpul uman, de o complexitate greu de inteles si un automobil, guvernat si el de legi fizice. Dar undeva, asemanarile dintre cele doua inceteaza si scopurile carora servesc sunt diferite. Care ar fi diferenta dintre un om si o masina? Uneori suntem tentati sa spunem: creierul sau sufletul. Da, si asta...Eu cred ca deosebirea e in intentie. Corpul si creierul sunt partea functionala, emotiile sunt si ele manifestari fiziologice. Dar Omul este inzestrat cu intentie si actiunile sale ar trebui sa aiba scop si sa nu se rezume la necesitatile biologice.
Oricum, discutia e ampla si infinita:) Pana una alta, cerceii acestia, zic eu, au menirea de a satisface nevoia egoului de frumusete, chiar fara vreun tel.

EN: The heart, engine of life and a part from a car engine. They both generate energy needed for the machine to work: the human body, truly complex and mysterious and an automobile, which works under the laws of fizics. But, somewhere, the resemblance between the two stops and their purpose is different. What is the diffrence between man and machine? Maybe we'll say the brain or the soul...I believe the difference lays in the intention. The body and the brain ar the functional part, emotions are also physiological manifestation. But the Human being has intention and its actions should have a purpose that is not resumed to the biological needs.
Anyway,th is is a big and infintie talk:) But in the end, these earrings are a good way to satisfy a need: that of beauty, without any purpose at all. Just for the sake of it.

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