
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 29 aprilie 2015


Vremea frumoasa se cere sarbatorita, cu atat mai mult atunci cand iti petreci timpul intr-o zona mai friguroasa. Asa ca am profitat de cele cateva zile cu soare si am facut o mica excursie. E un fel de a spune"mica", pentru ca distanta a fost destul de lunga. Dar cateva sute de km au devenit un drum obisnuit, care ne bucura de fiecare data. De data aceasta am ales alt traseu decat cel cunoscut si am savurat fiecare moment. Oboseala a fost compensata de privelistile superbe si pe o distanta asa de mare, peisajul in continua schimbare a fost un adevarat spectacol.
EN: Beautiful weather calls for a celebration, specially when you spend most of the time in a cooler area. So, we took advantage of the few sunny days and went for a little walk. Well, "little" is not necessarily the right word, because the distance was quite long. But the couple of hundreds of km became an usual drive for us and we're always excited about long trips. This time we chose a different route than the usual one and we enjoyed every moment. Tiredness was fully compensated by the wonderful view: along the way, the landscape changed from mountains to low hills and nature was spectacular.

 Am turmat cursul Bistritei si am trecut prin Vatra Dornei, Gheorgheni, Bistrita...In departare si cu varful inca imbracat in zapada, Varful Giumalau, fratele Raraului.
We followed the river Bistrita and went through vatra Dornei, Gheorgheni, Bistrita...In the distance, ith the top still dressed in snow, the Giumalau Mountain.

 Am inconjurat Lacul Bicaz si am oprit din 15 in 15 minute pentru a fotografia localitatile pitoresti si natura deosebit de frumoasa, cu muntii inalti, acoperiti de padure si vaile largi care adapostesc gospodarii aparute parca din muzeul satului.

EN: We went around the Lake Bicaz and stopped every 15 minutes to take photos of the villages and the amazing nature, with tall mountains, covered in forest and the wide valleys which foster homes that seem to have been taken out of the village museum.

 Lacul Bicaz, cu plutele care leaga malurile.
The lake Bicaz and the boats that connect the shores.

 Cheile Bicazului, stanci spectaculoase si abrupte care strajuiesc soseaua si te fac sa te simti mic, mic.
EN: "Cheile Bicazului", rocky and steep formations that rise beside the road and make you feel small, small.
Am trecut si pe langa Lacul Rosu, dar soarele puternic de amiaza si lipsa priceperii tehnice m-au lasat fara fotografii:) Apoi drumul ne-a purtat spre Corund, de unde bineinteles am cumparat cateva (mai multe de fapt) vase ceramice smaltuite cu faimosul verde de corund, spre Targu Mures si intr-un final am ajuns la Sighisoara. O zi de drum, cat trei, cu peisaje de tinut minte si locuri pe care vrem sa le vedem mai pe indelete.
EN: We passed next to the Red Lake, but the shinny noon sun and my lack of experience left me without photos. Then, the road took us to Corund, the place where the famous traditional green ceramic is made. We bought, of course, some ceramic pots:) And from there we headed to Targu Mures and the final destination, Sighisoara. A one day trip, that felt like three, with wonderful landscapes and places we want to visit for more than one hour.

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