
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 28 mai 2015

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall...

 Intotdeauna mi-au placut obiectele vechi. Targurile de vechituri mi se par ca niste parcuri de distractii si mereu gasesc cate ceva de luat acasa. Mai nou am descoperit ca si in podurile caselor vechi se ascund comori, lucururi uitate peste care s-a asternut praful. Au nevoie doar de un pic de luciu si eventual o tusa doua de culoare.
EN: I always loved old objects. Flee markets feel to me like Wonderland and I always find something to take home. Lately I've discovered that in the attics of old houses you can find treasures, things that lay forgotten and covered in dust. All they need is a shine and some color on.
 Am gasit oglinda aceasta (care de fapt este o usa de dulap vechi) si am hotarat sa o readucem la viata, mai ales ca aveam nevoie de una in hol. Am lustruit-o bine si am pictat niste motive decorative din loc in loc. Ce e interesant la oglinda e ca e facuta cu argint, nu cu aluminiu cum se fac in ziua de azi, deci e chiar o piesa vintage.
EN: We found this mirror (which is actually the door of an old closet) and we decided to bring it back to life, not to mention that we needed one for the lobby of the house. We cleaned it and I painted some decorative flowers here an there. What is unique at this piece is that it's made with silver, not like the mirrors today, so it's actually a vintage object.
 Si se potriveste de minune la intrare:)
EN: And it found its perfect place at the entrance:)

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