
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 6 mai 2015

Where the Weather is Fine and the People are Fun

 Printre gaze harnice, pomi infloriti si pasarele vesele, asa ne place noua sa ne petrecem timpul:) Si profitam de fiecare zi cu soare pentru a ne infrupta din caldura, aer si pamant. Ne-am bucurat tare mult cand am fost invitati de un prieten bun sa tinem ateliere la evenimentul pe care l-a organizat.

EN: Among happy bugs, blossomed trees and cheerful birdies, that's how we like to spend our time. And we take advantage of every sunny day to enjoy the heat, the air and the dirt. We were so glad when a dear friend invited us to do workshops at the event he was planning.
 Am ajuns intr-o superba poienita, care desi era foarte aproape de oras, parea rupta de pe taramuri fermecate: verde crud de jur imprejur, cucul conducea corul de triluri, privighetori in toiul noptii,  ciubotica-cucului acoperea pajistea si o bucata de cer azuriu ca niciunde.

EN: We arrived in a beautiful glade, which although it was close to the city, it seemed taken out from a fairytale land: vivid green all around, the cu-cu leading the birds songs, nightingales in the middle of the night, primula officinalis covering the meadow and a piece of blue sky like nowhere else.
 Cei care ingrijau bucatica de Rai, un cuplu de oameni frumosi si luminosi, au construit o casuta din materiale reciclabile care arata ca dintr-o revista de design. Se potrivea de minune cu locul si a devenit repede "baza" petrecerii.

EN: The keepers of this piece of Heaven, a beautiful couple, built a small house from recycled materials that looked like in a design magazine. It quickly became the "base" of the party.
 Nu dupa mult timp au inceput sa vina si petrecaretii si ne-am pus pe treaba: am tinut atelierele de tir cu arcul...

EN: Not long after we arrived, the party-people started to come so we began the workshops: the archery lessons...
 Vasul chinezesc cantator: un recipient din bronz, care se umple cu apa, iar apoi, cu mainile umezite, se "canta" pe manere. Apa din vas, prin vibratie, incepe sa se ridice, iar acesta scoate niste sunete asemanatoare cu cantecul balenelor.

EN: The chinese singing bowl, made of bronze, which is filed with water and than "played" until it makes some sounds similar to the whale songs and the water starts to arise.
 Am pictat pe lemn si am pirogravat, in gasca mare si vesela...
EN: We painted on slices of wood, wood burned and had fun...

 Cei mici au fost extrem de inspirati si au creat medalioane care mai de care mai frumoase si jucause.
EN: The young ones were very inspired and created beautiful necklaces.

Speram ca vara aceasta sa ne petrecem cat mai multe zile in natura, inconjurati de oameni frumosi si creativi si sa tinem ateliere peste tot prin tara.
EN: We wish that this summer we spend as many days in the nature as possible, surrounded by beautiful and creative people and have workshops all around the country.

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