
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 30 iunie 2015

Day Dreaming

 Dorul de mare si vacanta devin cumva laitmotivele acestor zile si se pare ca nu doar eu visez la soare si relaxare. Comenzile sunt si ele in ultimul timp cu tema acvatica si estivala.

EN: Sea lust and craving for holiday seem to be the main topic these days and it feels like I'm not the only one dreaming of the sun and relaxation. My orders tend to have also a watery-summerish theme.

Daca in ultimele luni m-am simtit intr-un soi de roata care ma alearga, cu atatea evenimente, proiecte si comenzi, am reusit de curand sa imi gasesc ritmul si energia. Am inceput cu trezitul (mai) devreme, eu care ador orele multe de somn si leneveala de dimineata. Dar mi-am pastrat cate o zi pe saptamana (de obicei duminicile), pentru dormit neconditionat, iar in restul m-am obisnuit sa ma trezesc (fara ceas, pentru ca mi se pare o pedeapsa sa fiu trezita de brutalul sunet de alarma care tipa). Si e bine. Am spor mai mult si timp suficient pentru plimbari, cules plante, fructe sau mici experimente cum e si crema de arnica. Am primit cateva flori uscate de arnica, de la o matusa si m-am hotarat sa profit de proprietatile lor. Am facut o alifie simpla, cu ceara de albine, unt de cocos, ulei de masline si florile infuzate in acest amestec uleios, fierbinte. O sa o folosesc pentru dureri de articulatii si vanataile pe care reusesc sa le capat cand lucrez prin gradina.

EN: If the last months felt like a wheel running after me, with lots of events, projects and orders, I finally managed to find my rhythm and regain my energy. I started with waking up earlier, although I'm not a morning person and I enjoy laying in bed till late. But I kept one day in the week (usually Sundays), for unconditional dreaming and in the rest I wake up (without the alarm clock, which would feel like a punishment to me). And it's all good. I have more time for walking, picking plants and fruits or for little experiments, like this Arnica montana salve. I got some dried flowers, from an aunt, so I decided to take advantage of this plant's properties. I made a cream with bees wax, coconut oil, olive oil and the flowers infused in these hot oily mixture. I'll use it for rheumatic pain and the bruises I get when I work in the garden.

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