
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 24 iunie 2015

Misty Rocks

Da, da, cu soare si apa calda, cam asa arata picturile mele in ultimele saptamani. De vreme nu pomenesc, ma rog, poate ma plang putin, pentru ca ne-a cam murat, dar stiu sigur ca gradina e multumita. Si in plus, e o placere sa pictez cu geamul deschis, in timp ce afara ploua marunt.
EN: Yes, yes, with sun and warm waters, that's how my painting look like lately. About the weather, what to say, I wouldn't mention it, maybe just complain a little bit, because we've been quite soaked, but I know for sure the garden is happy. And as an extra advantage, it's a pleasure to paint with the windows open in the sound of the rain.
 Insa in zilele cu soare, care alterneaza cu ploaia si curcubeele, ajungem in tot felul de locuri frumoase, unele chiar foarte aproape.
EN: But in the sunny day, that come after the rain and rainbows, we travel in beautiful places, some very close to home.
 Asa am ajuns pe Rarau, la Pietrele Doamnei, niste stanci spectaculoase, care rasar dintre varfurile brazilor.
EN: That's how we went to Rarau, at the rocks called "Lady's stones", some really sectacular cliffs, emerging from the pine-trees.

 Drumul pana sus (bineinteles ca am urcat, cum era sa nu profitam de traseu pentru a vedea ce e sus) trece printr-o padure magica. Eu una sunt convinsa ca aici isi au casa spiridusi si gnomi, printre cotloanele dintre stancile acoperite cu muschi verde-catifea si copaci.
EN: The way to the top of the cliff (of course we went up, on the trail, to see the view from the eagles height) goes through an enchanted forest. I'm quite sure here live fairies and gnomes, among the trees and moss covered stones.

 Am vazut noi ca cerul nu e chiar limpede, dar totusi am continuat urcarea, constienti ca vremea la munte e capricioasa, dar echipati cu bocanci si pelerine.
EN: We saw that the sky wasn't clear, but we still went up, aware that the weather in the mountains is moody, but equipped with boots and raincoats.

 Sus ne astepta un peisaj din alta lume. Norii josi, ca o ceata fina, develeau treptat relieful si senzatia de sus si hau era spectaculoasa. Pana acum vreo 2 ani, imi era tare frica de inaltimi. Urcam, dar cum ma simteam pe marginea unei prapastii (nu trebuia sa fie adanca), incepeam sa tremur si o panica organica punea stapanire pe mine, ca o paralizie. Desi eram constienta ca n-o sa patesc nimic, corpul avea o reactie intstanta si imi era mai greu sa merg mai departe sau inapoi. Dar dupa multe urcari, prapastii si privelisti de vis, acum imi e mult mai usor si senzatia de teama este mult estompata, ceea ce face mai simpla ascensiunea, dar si mult mai placuta.
EN: When we got up, the view was from another world. The low clouds, like a mist, were unveiling the landscape and the feeling of "up on top of the world" was amazing. Until about 2 years ago, I was very scared of heights. My body had an organic fear reaction and I was starting to shake and feel I can't go on. Although my mind knew I could go on without a danger, my body was simple parallelized. I would still go on, shaking like jelly, but knowing i can do it. But after lots of climbing and amazing views from the top, now it is much easier and the fear is less present, which makes the trip easier and much pleasant.
Pe drumul de intoarcere a inceput sa ploua, asa ca am coborat de pe stanca batuti de grindina si bine plouati, ba chiar alergati de un torent care se formase in varful stancii si se grabea la vale pe cararea pe care eram si noi. Asta asa, ca sa fie aventura completa.
EN: On the way down it started to rain, so we descended rained and a little beaten by the ice balls that came with it. A torrent formed on top of the cliff and was rushing down on the path, so we had to be very careful how we go down, because the rocks became very slippery. This was an extra topping for the adventure:)

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