
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 2 iunie 2015

Mute Black and White

Uneori creatiile mele sunt colaborari fructuoase cu clienti si cliente, oameni frumosi cu idei deosebite. Asa au luat nastere si cerceii acestia, un omagiu adus marelui Charlie Chalin, un artist stralucit.
EN: Sometimes my creations are the fruit of beautiful collaboration with special people. This is how the earrings where born, as a homage to the great Charlie Chaplin.
Printre comenzi si excursii, nu m-am putut abtine sa nu profit si de pamantul care inconjoara casa si, desi suntem intr-o zona cu o clima mai rece, veri mai scurte, mi-am dorit tare o gradina. Si am facut... de fapt am facut doua, mai mici:)
EN: Among orders and trips, I couldn't help it not to take advantage of the land around the house and, although we live in a colder area, with shorter summers, I really wanted a garden. And we made...actually we made two smaller ones.
Am pregatit si o groapa de compost, pentru ca se strangeau multe resturi vegetale si le-am amestecat cu crengi, fan si cenusa.
EN: We dug a compost hole, because we had a lot of vegetable leftovers and we mixed them with branches, grass and ashes.

Pe unele plante le-am pus in ghivece, cu rol decorativ, dar probabil vor da si ele o mica "recolta"
EN: Some of the plants where put in pots, for esthetic purpose, but probably they'll have fruits too.

Am experimentat cu plante rezistente la frig si cu un ciclu de viata mai scurt. De exemplu ruccola.
EN: We made exepriments with plants that have a shorter life cycle and can bare the cold. For example ruccola.
Ardeii iuti...
EN: Chilli peppers...
EN: Garlic...
EN: Celery..
EN: Onion...
EN: Peas

EN: Jerusalem artichoke 
EN: Lovage
Dovlecel, primit de la vecini:)
EN: Zucchini, a gift from the neighbors.
Pe parcurs am mai adaugat seminte si rasaduri, care urmeaza sa rasara, speram. Anul acesta totul e o incercare pentru a afla cum e solul, ce plante se pot adapta la conditiile meteo, dar e un experiment tare placut si o activitate foarte relaxanta (bineinteles atata timp cat suprafata cultivata nu e mare si necesita minim de efort: udat, care e la fix ca miscare de seara, plivit cate putin si pur si simplu urmarit plantele cum prind viata si rodesc).
EN: On the way we planted other seeds and seedlings, which hopefully will grow. this year the garden is an experiment to find out how the soil is, what plant can adapt to the weather conditions, but it's a very pleasant activity (of course, as long as the cultivated surface is not too big and it doesn't need too much effort: watering, weeding and simply enjoy the plants as they come to life and fruit).

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