
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 13 iulie 2015


Un inel patrat, de asta data, pentru ca uneori suntem "cu colturi", nemultumiti si "intepaciosi". Dar si cu o oglinda intr-o parte, tocmai pentru a ne privi si a ne observa ori de cate ori ne luptam cu noi insine.
EN: A square ring this time, because sometimes we "have" corners, we are not satisfied and "spiky". But also with a mirror on the corner, for looking at ourselves and observing us each time we fight with our own nature.
 Am fost din nou "in turneu", cum imi place mie sa spun si am participat la a treia editie a "Festivalului copiilor", organizat si gazduit de centrul "Izvorul Sperantei". Am petrecut 5 zile de poveste alaturi de copii frumosi si veseli si ne-am bucurat de zilele calde (toride chiar) de vara.

EN: We were again in a "tournament" how I like to call it and took part in the 3rd edition of the "Children's festival", powered by "Fountain of Hope" afterschool project. We spent three magical days together with beautiful happy children and enjoyed the hot summer days.
 Activitatile au fost diverse, iar umbra copacilor suficient de racoroasa pentru a le putea desfasura. Am traforat...
EN: The activities varied and the trees shade was dense enough so we could enjoy them. we learned to use the fret saw...
 Am pirogravat...
EN:We used the wood burning tool...
 Ne-am familiarizat cu masina de gaurit si burghiul...
EN: We became familiar to the drill machine...
 Am pregatit cadouri pentru mamicile de acasa...
EN: We designed presents for the moms waiting at home...

Am reusit sa ne luam zborul cu cercul de hula-hoop...
EN: We managed to fly with the hula-hoop circle...

 Ne-am jucat si incurcat in ate...
EN: We played string games...
 Am faurit baloane de sapun uriase (sau mai mititele)...
EN: We blew big soap balloons...

 Am pictat...
EN: We painted...
 Am jonglat cu poiuri...
EN: We juggled with pois...

Ne-am transformat in eroi de desene animate...
EN: We transformed ourselves into cartoon heroes...
 Am modelat lutul, cu tehnica sarpelui...
EN: We created pottery objects, using clay and the snake technique...
 Ne-am cusut propriile agende si le-am decorat...
EN: We learned about book binding and created our own, decorated notebooks...

Si am fost iar copii, chiar si noi adultii, desi pentru scurt timp:) Ne-am simtit tare bine sa tinem ateliere din nou, iar copiii ne-au rasplatit cu zambete si ne-au incarcat de energie si voie buna!
EN: We were again children, even us, grownups:) We really enjoyed having workshops and the children rewarded us with smiles and charged us with energy and good vibes!

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