
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 29 septembrie 2015


Intr-una din perindarile noastre prin tara, am descoperit cariera de creta de la Basarab. Bucatele mici de ceva ce parea a fi creta, cu forme organice, unele de-a dreptul spectaculoase, erau imprastiate pe jos, prin praful alb. Am adunat cate am putut (eu as fi umplut un sac, toate erau foarte interesante) si le-am carat acasa, convinsi ca le vom transforma in talismane frumoase. Apoi am aflat ca erau de fapt franturi de silex, acoperite cu creta. Silexul este un soi de cuart, foarte dur, de culoare gri opac si era folosit de oamenii primitivi pentru confectionarea uneltelor sau pentru aprins focul.
Mi-am pus cateva piese pe masa de lucru, pentru a le privi si a ma lasa inspirata de formele lor, sculptate parca. Si au iesit cateva bijuterii deosebite.
Pentru colierul de mai sus, muza mi-a fost zeita fertilitatii reprezentata in cultura Cucuteni, una dintre cele mai vechi civilizatii de pe teritoriul Europei (a fost numita dupa un sat de langa Iasi,Romania, unde s-au descoperit primele vestigii). Si zic ca cele doua elemente, silexul si motivele de Cucuteni, s-au potrivit de minune.

EN: In one of our trips around the country, we came across the lime stone quarry in Basarab. Little pieces of something that looked like chalk, with organic and spectacular shapes, were scattered on the ground. We've gathered as much as we could (although I would have picked up a few bags) and brought them home, knowing for sure they will turn into amazing talismans. We found out that this were actually pieces of silex, covered in chalk. Silex is a sort of quartz, very though, of grey color and it was used by the primitive people for making tools or lighting the fire.
I placed a few on my working table, to let their complex shapes inspire me. And they did turn into some beautiful jewellery, that looks like it has been carved.
For the above necklace, the muse was the fertility goddess from the Cucuteni representations, one of the oldest civilizations in Europe (named after a village near Iasi, Romania, were the first vestige was found). And I think the two elements, the silex and the Cucuteni motifs went along perfect.

Pentru ca a plouat zilele acestea din abundenta, ne-am gandit ca o plimbare pe deal s-ar putea sa aduca roade gustoase. Si tare ne-am bucurat cand, impreuna cu prietenii nostri, am gasit sumedenie de ciuperci, unele comestibile, altele doar aspectoase. Am cules rascovi, pe care i-am marinat pentru iarna, vinetele care au ajuns pe o delicioasa pizza si palaria sarpelui, pe care am pus-o pe gratar si am mancat-o cu sos picant de ardei iute. Ciupercile salbatice sunt asa o bucurie si parca atunci cand mananc gust din insasi aroma padurii!
Am hotarat sa mai facem cateva excursii in cautarea acestor delicatese, mai ales dupa ce ploaia va inceta si o sa avem parte si de soare. E o binecuvantare sa fim asa aproape de padure si imi dau seama ca daca am merge si mai des, am putea profita de bogatia ei: afine, mure, zmeura, coarne, macese, gherghine, soc, felurite ciuperci, plante medicinale, toate la indemana si gratis!

EN: Because it has been raining for the past days, we thought that a walk on the hill might bring some rewards. So, we took our friends who visited us to the forest behind the house and we were so happy to find lots of mushrooms. We picked up Russulas, which we marinated for the winter, Lactarius volemus which were the perfect pizza topping and parasol mushrooms, which went straight to the grill. Wild mushrooms are such a joy and when I eat them it feels like tasting the aroma of the forest itself!
We decided to take some more trips, especially after the sun will come out (sun after rain is the perfect combination for mushrooms to grow). It's such a blessing to be close to the forest and I realize that if we went more often in the nature, we could take advantage of its gifts: blueberries, rose hips, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, elderberries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, all in hand and for free!

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