
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 10 septembrie 2015

Trasnsylvania Calling

Frunzele au inceput sa se coloreze, pasarile se pregatesc de marea migratie si in livada au inflorit brandusele. E semn ca Toamna a inceput sa se arate, nu doar in calendar, dar si prin schimbarile prin care trece natura. Am ajuns si noi inapoi la casuta din munti, cu o usoara urma de nostalgie, dar cu marea bucurie a reintoarcerii. Am gasit rosiile aproape coapte (poate parea ciudat, dar aici anotimpurile au un decalaj fata de restul tarii, primavara vine tarziu, iarna e mai lunga, zilele calde sunt mai putine, asa ca plantele au un alt ciclu de viata, iar tomatele, iubitoare de caldura, rodesc mai lent), dovleceii inca roditori, andivele si raddichio aproape in intregime mancate de oaspeti nepoftiti (aproape de padure se intampla des sa fim vizitati de animale salbatice), merii si prunii incarcati de fructe dulci si brandusele inflorite care au impanzit livada.
A fost un an bogat si toata casa a inflorit si a dat recolta bogata, parca pentru a sarbatori mutarea noastra. Cred ca natura are nevoie de admiratori si in momentul in care pomii si legumele sunt in fiecare zi privite, iubite, fructifica spornic, au pentru cine. Eu una recunosc, din primavara incoace ma tot minuenez de bogatia recoltei si de cat de darnica e natura: multe plante care cresc singure si tot ce a trebuit sa facem a fost sa le culegem fructele.

EN: The leaves are starting to change color, the birds are preparing for the great migration and in the orchard the autumn crocus are blooming. It seems that Autumn is showing herself, not only in the calendar, but also in the changes that occur in nature. We arrived back at our home in the mountains, with a tinny bit of nostalgia, but with the great joy of returning. We found the tomatoes ripping (as strange as it may sound, they are not yet finished, because here the seasons are slower, the weather a colder and the plants have a different life cycle), the zucchini plant still producing, the radicchio and the endives almost eaten by some unwelcome guests, the apple trees and the plum trees full with fruits and lots of crocus in the orchard.
It's been a rich year and the whole house is blooming and blessing us with rich crops, as if to celebrate our moving here. I believe nature needs admirers and when the trees and plants are being loved and watched every day, they give you abundance. Since the spring, I've always been amazed by the richness of fruits and vegetables and by how giving nature is: so many plants that grow by themselves and all we had to do was to pick up the yield.
Ultimul festival a fost o incununare a verii minunate de care ne-am bucurat anul acesta: cea mai frumoasa locatie in care n-am fi ajuns altfel, Cheile Rametului, un decor desprins din legende, cu luna plina deasupra unor stanci tainicie, un sat secular cum numai in Apuseni mai exista si oameni deosebiti care au creat o atmosfera de poveste.

EN: The last festival we've been part of was a celebration of this amazing summer we enjoyed this year: the most beautiful location, Cheile Rametului, a landscape of legends and fairy-tales, with the full moon shining over some mysterious cliffs, an old village like the ones you can only find in the Apuseni mountains and special people that made us feel part of a great story.
Am participat cu atelierele Primitv Entertainment 
si ne-am distrat de minune.
EN: We offered Primitiv Entertainment workshops and had a great time.

Acum, intorsi parca dintr-o lunga si fructuoasa calatorie, ne facem planurile pentru urmatoarea aventura si asteptam curiosi sa vedem ce ne-a mai pregatit Universul:)
EN: Now, being home, back from a long and fruitful journey, we plan our next adventure and we look forward to see what the Universe had for us:)

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