
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015


Cam asa arata primele ornamente din acest an. Putin mai devreme, dar nu atat cat planuiam:)
Am pictat ingeri-zane-fete bune, ca sa trimita ganduri bune si iubire spre toata lumea, acum cand avem atata nevoie de intelegere.

EN: This is how my first Christmas ornaments look like. A little earlier, but not as early as I wished. I've painted angels-fairies-good girls, so that they send positive vibes and love to everybody, now when we need understanding more than anything.
Daca tot s-a lasat frigul (chiar gerul, acum cad scriu), ne-am gandit ca un muzeu e un mod placut de petrecut duminca, asa ca ne-am indreptat spre Suceava si am ales sa vizitam Hanul Domnesc.
Si a meritat.

EN: Now that it's quite cold, we thought that a museum is a nice way of spending our Sunday afternoon, so we headed to Suceava to visit "Hanul Domnesc" ("The Royal Inn").
And it was worth it.

Vazand obiectele din patrimoniul muzeului: obiecte casnice din materiale naturale (mese, scaune, farfurii, cuptoare, tesaturi, linguri), toate sculptate, pictate mi-am dat seama ca oamenii percepeau altfel viata si timpul. Isi infrumusetau lucrurile din jur, stiau sa coasa, sa teasa, sa picteze, sa modeleze, sa gateasca, sa construiasca, practic faceau totul cu mainile lor, din roadele pamantului. Simteau ritmul naturii, il respectau si cred ca traiau mai fericiti.

EN: Seeing the objects from the museum: household stuff made from natural materials (tables, chairs, plates, stoves, clothes, spoons), all embellished, hand-carved, painted, I realized that people must have perceived life and time so differently than we do. They made their everyday objects beautiful, they knew how to stitch, weave,paint, use the clay, cook, build, practically they were doing everything with their hands, using only the gifts from the land. They felt the rhythm of the nature, respecting it and I believe they lived more happily.

Asta este o pompa de bere "vintage".

EN: A vintage beer pump.

Cat de frumos aratau odaile, cu mobila din lemn incrustat, cu tesaturi din lana, piei de animale...
EN: How beautiful the rooms were, with wooden furniture, hand-carved, with wool blankets and animal skins...

A fost o bucurie sa vizitam Hanul Domnesc si am plecat de acolo plini de inspiratie si cu o liniste placuta in suflet.
EN: It's been such a joy to visit the Inn and we left the place inspired and filled with quietness.

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