
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2015

Water Myracle

Zilele acestea, de toamna tarzie, imi dau un sentiment ciudat al timpului prea scurt. De cum se intuneca (la ora 16:30), desi mai sunt niste ore din zi, corpul parca se opreste, mintea devine lenesa si cu greu imi regasesc cheful de "a face". Parca as sta, parca as citi cu un ceai in mana, o carte lejera, as asculta motanul care toarce sau pur si simplu as medita la...ei bine, la nimic.

EN: These days, of late fall, give a strange feeling of shortened time. As soon as it gets dark (at around 16:30!),although there are still some hours left of the day, my body stops, my mind becomes lazy and I hardly find my mood "to do". I only feel like laying around, maybe reading an easy book, watching the cat playing or simply meditating at...well, at nothing at all.
O carte buna, usor de citit, dar care mi-a schimbat perspectiva asupra multor lucruri, e cartea scrisa dupa cercetarile lui Masaru Emoto, om de stiinta care a studiat felul in care se cristalizeaza apa atunci cand e supusa la diversi stimului: cuvinte, muzica, sunete. Cercetatorul a constatat ca atunci cand vorbea frumos cu esantioanele de apa sau punea muzica clasica, apa forma cristale armonioase, simetrice, pe cand atunci cand ii vorbea urat, tipa sau punea muzica agitata, apa se cristaliza neuniform, haotic chiar.
M-am tot gandit la asta si eu cred ca si omul, fiind 70% apa, poate la fel de bine sa influenteze acest fluid vital prin cuvinte, iubire sau ura, muzica, emotii. Atat pe noi cat si pe cei cu care intram in contact. Ce frumos ar fi daca ne-am purta cu ceilalti intr-un mod sincer, cu bun-simt, nu ne-am mai supune la stres si cuvinte grele. Poate ca ne-am putea "restructura" si am crea si noi armonie...

EN: A good book, easy to read, but which changed my perspective over many things, is this book written after the research of Masaru Emoto, a scientist who studied the way water crystallized when faced to diffrent stimuli: word, music, sounds. He found out that when he spoke nice to the water samples or faced them with classical music, the water formed harmonious crystals, symmetrical, whereas when he spoke ugly words or played agitated music, the water crystals were chaotic.
I thought about this and I believe that the humans, being 70% water, can also influence this vital fluid through words, love or hate, music, emotions. And this can happen with ourselves and with the others around us. How nice it could be if we would be honest with the others, had common sense, if we would stop talking angry and send fury. Maybe we could restructure our own being and create harmony...

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