
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2015

Busy Season

Cam asa arata si ultimele decoratiuni care au iesit din atelier. Am pictat si anul acesta fete care se bucura de iarna, fie afara, fara sa le pese de gerul care musca, fie la caldura si savurand momentele de tihna.
Inca nu am ajuns la momentul meu de tihna si pictez neintrerupt (poate doar cu pauze, cat sa privesc motanelul care se da in spectacol sau sa framant painica:), dar mi-am dat seama ca ocupatia asta care imi ia mult din timp, imi e draga tare si n-as face altfel. Azi am multumit in gand, cu bucurie, pentru norocul de a fi unde imi doresc si de a fi impacata cu alegerile pe care le fac. Cred ca e cel mai important si totul se asaza exact cum trebuie atunci cand faci cum crezi.

EN: This is how the last Christmas ornaments that have left the workshop look like. I painted this year too girls who are enjoying winter, either outside, without caring about the deep cold or inside, enjoying their moments of relax.
I haven't arrived at my moment of quietness, yet and I paint all day long (maybe with short brakes, to watch the cat fooling around or to bake the bread), but I realized that this is what I enjoy most to do and I wouldn't change it. Today I thanked joyful in my mind for being lucky enough to be ok with my choices and to be exactly where I want to. I believe that it's the most important thing and everything sets into place when you're heart is at ease.

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