
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

duminică, 6 decembrie 2015

Love is the Answer

Putin cate putin ne apropiem de sfarsitul anului, chiar daca iarna s-a aratat doar pentru cateva zile. Acum parca s-ar pregati primavara, desi calendarul e categoric: am intrat in iarna! Mos Nicolae e primul care vesteste anotimpul de poveste si pe noi ne-a gasit inconurati de oameni dragi si voie buna.
Mi-e tot mai clar in ultima vreme, uitandu-ma in jur, povestind cu prietenii, urmarind oameni necunoscuti pe strada, ca simtim cu totii nevoia de apropiere, de vorbe bune, de priviri calde; ca ne lipseste iubirea celui de langa noi si sentimentul de siguranta. Cred sincer ca singurul mod in care putem sa "vindecam" lumea sau mai bine zis sa ne vindecam pe noi e fiind blanzi si iubitori cu toti cei din jur. Noi, copiii, cu parintii nostri, pe care de multe ori nu mai avem rabdarea sa ii ascultam, ii privim ca pe niste fiinte invechite care vorbesc despre vremuri ce nu mai sunt de actualitate si uitam ca, in esenta, ei vor doar sa fim bine. Parintii cu noi, fara sa ne judece, sa ne ceara sau sa ne compare. Noi cu toti cei din jur, prieteni sau necunoscuti... Si e atat de simplu si binefacator: sa fim buni unii cu ceilalti, de dimineata pana seara, oricand si oricat.

EN: Little by little we are approaching the year's end, although the signs of winter were very fade. Now it feels like spring time is here, but the calendar is sure: it's clearly winter time! Saint Nicholas is the first one that tells about the magical season and we celebrated him surrounded by dear people and happy mood.
It seems so clear lately, looking around, talking t o friends, watching strangers on the street, that we all feel the need to get closer, to hear nice words, to receive warm looks; that we miss the love of the people near to us and the feeling of security. I sincerely believe that the only way to "heal" the world or better to heal ourselves is by being kind and loving to everybody around us. Us, the children, to our parents, that sometimes we don't have the patience to listen to, see them as old machines that talk about times that no longer exist and forget that, in the end, they only want us to be ok. The parents to us, without judging, demanding or comparing. Us, to everybody around, friends or strangers...And it is so easy and good: be nice to ecahother, from morning until evening, anytime and as much as needed.

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