
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 15 ianuarie 2016

Flying Time

Lent, in ritm hibernal, cu mici poticniri, ne-am reluat "rutina" (mi-e greu sa numesc asa programul nostru, pentru ca nicio zi nu seamana cu cealalta si asta intr-un sens bun:) si cu bateriile incarcate, ne-am apucat de noi mestereli. Deja anul a inceput cu proiecte noi si ne bucuram de avantul pe care l-am prins, inspiratie si chef de munca (speram sa se tina scai de noi elanul asta:))

EN: Slowly, in winter rhythm, we reclaimed our "routine" (although it's hard to call like this our program, while each day is so different from the other) and with our energy at a high level, we started crafting again. Already the year has started in full speed, with new projects and we enjoy our inspiration and motivation which we hope we'll keep from now on.
 Am profitat de vremea schimbatoare si de cele cateva zile insorite pe care le-am petrecut in zona Buzaului si am revizitat tabara de sculptura de langa Manastirea Ciolanu. Un loc incredibil, incarcat cu energie pozitiva si prea putin cunoscut si promovat. Aici au creat timp de cateva veri, in anii 70, mai multi sculptori, iar operele lor grupate au transformat locul intr-un muzeu de arta in aer liber.

EN: We took advantage of the moody weather and of the few sunny days we spent in the Buzau valley and we revisited the sculpting camp near the Ciolanu Monastery. An incredible place, bursting with positive energy, so little known and promoted. Here, for some summers during the 70s, more sculptors created these unique pieces of art, which remained on the spot and transformed the place into an open air art museum.
 Noi ne-am pierdut pentru vreo 2 ore in taramul uriasilor de piatra si am savurat linistea completata de pasari si cateva vacute si privelistea unica.

EN: We got lost for a couple of hours in the land of the stone giants and enjoyed the perfect silence and the unique view.
 Pornind de la titlul operei, pus chiar de autor (si usor de identificat printr-un sistem de numerotare si placute), fiecare creatie spune o poveste, te poarta in tot atatea lumi cate maini au cioplit calcarul de Naeni. E un loc deosebit, potrivit pentru copii, care desi intr-un muzeu clasic se pot plictisi, aici pot explora in natura piesele, pot interactiona cu ele, le pot atinge, se pot catara si isi pot da frau liber imaginatiei.

EN: Starting with the title, each creation tells a story that takes you into as many worlds as the hands that carved this Naeni lime stone. It's a special place, suitable for children, who usually get quickly bored in a conventional museum, but here they can explore the pieces by being outdoor, they can interact with them, by touching or even by climbing them, without any interdiction.

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