
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 22 ianuarie 2016

From One Side to the Other

Am inceput sa experimentam cu traforajul si singurul dezavantaj pe care l-am gasit pana acum e ca pur si simplu nu ne-am mai opri: mie imi curg ideile rau, iar Valentin ar decupa intr-una. Pe vremuri copiii invatau la scoala, la ora de lucru manual, sa manuiasca unealta. Eu una n-am mai prins vremurile aceea si ma bucur ca macar acum am invatat sa o fac. Asa ca cei care aveti copii, luati-le un traforaj (nu e scump si se gasesc si panze de schimb, in Dedeman, Hornbach) si sigur gasiti niste placaj sau bucati de scanduri (recomand bradul, are lemnul moale) si distrati-va impreuna!

EN: We began to experiment with the fretsaw and the only downside we could find so far is that we can't stop: I get loads of ideas and Valentin would cut the wood for hours. Which is just great for me:) In the old times, children would learn at school how to use this tool. I didn't catch those times, so I'm happy I'm learning now. If you have kids, just buy a fretsaw (it's not expensive) and have some quality time with them.
 Desi la meteo s-a anuntat ger siberian si intr-adevar am avut flori de gheata la ferestre, am pornit intr-o drumetie, impreuna cu niste prieteni, spre Varful Giumalau. Il stiam doar de la lectiile de geografie, asa ca m-am bucurat sa pot marca inca un punct pe harta reala, nu doar pe cea de hartie:)

EN: Although the weather forecast was predicting siberian cold and we did indeed have ice flower on the windows, we went for an adventure, to reach the Giumalau peak. I only knew it from the geography lessons, so I was excited to mark it on the real map, not only on the paper one.

 Am avut parte de o urcare cu soare si o priveliste de poveste, care au usurat urcusul.

EN: We were lucky to climb on a sunny weather and this, combined with the breathtaking view, made the ascending more easy.

 Pe masura ce castigam in altitudine, stratul de zapada a devenit tot mai gros, si linistea mai adanca. O senzatie deosebita, de iarna alba si pufoasa. Si aerul taios si proaspat...

EN: As we were getting upper, the snow was getting thicker and the quietness deeper. Such a special feeling of fluffy, pure snow. And the crispy, fresh air...

 Cand ne-am apropiat de varf (care nu a fost Giumalaul, pentru ca eu am hotarat ca e momentul sa ne intoarcem, dupa vreo 4 ore de urcus continuu, din care vreo 2 prin zapada de 1 m:), vremea s-a schimbat brusc, a inceput sa bata un vant inghetat si sa se astearna ca o ceata cenusie care a cuprins toata zona de gol alpin.

EN: When we got close to the peak (which wasn't Giumalau, because I decided it was time to go back after 4 hours of climbing, by which 2 were through 1 m snow), the weather suddenly changed, the wind got stronger and the landscape was surrounded by thick fog.

A fost prima data pentru mine cand am urcat iarna pe munte si mi-a placut tare:) Mai facem. Traseul pe care l-am urmat e marcat si vara e foarte accesibil si probabil la fel de spectaculos.

EN: It was my first mountain climbing in winter time and I really enjoyed it:)

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