
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 4 ianuarie 2016

Happy Monkey Year!

 In muzica de didgeridoo, tilinca, djembe, armonica si rasete am trecut in anul 2016, multumiti de anul ce s-a incheiat si incarcati cu ganduri bune pentru cel ce abia a inceput. A fost multa veselie de sarbatori si ne-am incarcat cu energie pozitiva. S-a strans un an de cand ne bucuram de casuta noastra si tare bine ne-a mers, iar in continuare avem planuri multe pe care suntem nerabdatori sa le dezvoltam.

EN: In didgeridoo music, flute, djembe, harmonica and laughter we stepped into the year 2016, pleased with the one that has just finished and filled with good thoughts about the one that has just begun. It's been a lot of joy around here during the holidays and we charged ourselves with positive energy. It's been a full year since we moved here and we had so many adventures. We have many plans, ideas and creative energy so this year will be even better:)

 Iarna aceasta frigul si zapada nu ne-au speriat si chiar au creat o atmosfera placuta: lemnele trosnind in sobele calde (numai bune de luat in brate), florile de gheata care se formeaza dimineata pe geamuri, senzatia de ger care musca si moleseala placuta care ne cuprinde cand intram in casa incalzita, un foc afara si o cana cu vin fiert...Am savurat fiecare senzatie, recunoscatori si voiosi si lumea a devenit mai colorata:)

EN: This winter the cold and snow didn't scare us and created a pleasant feeling: the wood burning in the warm stove (perfect for hugging), the morning ice flowers on the windows, a fire outside and a cup of hot, spicy wine, the crispy cold biting on the cheeks and the sweet warmth that makes us sleepy when we get in the house...We savored each sensation, grateful and joyful and the world became colorful:)
 Asa am inceput anul 2016, sub semnul bucuriei, odihnei, prieteniei, prosperitatii si al acceptarii.
Sa va fie si voua anul imbelsugat, incarcat de culoare si vesel; sa ne bucuram cu totii de fiecare zi si sa pretuim fiecare om din jurul nostru; sa iubim, sa ne iubim si sa ne dorim sa traim simplu si frumos, lasand deoparte reprosurile si acceptand ca meritam si avem puterea sa ne fie viata frumoasa!

EN: This is how we began 2016, under the sign of joy, rest, friendship, prosperity and acceptance. May your year be rich, filled with color and joyful; may we enjoy every day and cherish every person around us; let us love, love ourselves and wish to live simple and beautiful, leaving behind reproves and accepting that we deserve and have the power to make our life beautiful!

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