
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 5 februarie 2016

Slow and Steady

Zilele incep sa creasca si aduc cu ele mai multa energie. Ne lasam dezmierdati de soarele amiezii care imbie si pasarile sa isi reia trilurile prin varfurile brazilor.  Inceputul de an s-a desfasurat rapid si nu a lasat loc de plictiseala in atelierul Primitiv.
Mesterim cu spor si fiecare idee noua care prinde viata angreneaza dupa ea altele si altele. Ne bucuram amandoi cand drumul de la concept la obiect nu e in zadar si reusim sa cream ceva deosebit. Ne bucuram de oamenii minunati care ne sprijina, cred in noi si ne incurajeaza sa mergem inainte. Dar mai presus de orice ne bucuram sa lucram impreuna si sa impartasim aceeasi viziune.

EN: The days are starting to grow and they bring more energy. We let the noon sun to warm us, while it brings back to life the little singing birds. The beginning of the year went by fast and it didn't allow any boredom at Primitiv workshop.
We work hard and joyous and each new idea brings more and more new ones. We are both so happy when the path from concept to object gets us to a special creation. We are happy for the wonderful people that believe in us and push us forward.  But most of all, we are happy to be able to work together and share the same vision.

Un an de stat la tara ne-a adus aminte de lucrurile simple, cum  ar fi mancarea gatita afara, la foc si am facut o pasiune din turtitele coapte pe plita. E uimitor cum o ora de stat afara la foc, sub cerul instelat ne poate imbunatati starea de spirit.

EN: An year of country living reminded us of the simple things, like outdoor fire cooked food and we became addicted to flat bread baked on the grill. It's amazing how one simple hour of sitting next to the fire, under the starry sky can improve our mood.

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