
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 23 februarie 2016

Spring Fling

Tot despre primavara si azi si nu m-as supara sa fie despre primavara de acum inainte:)
Inspiratia zilelor senine a luat forma unor floricele mititele, traforate si pictate, de purtat ca cercei si tot mesterind la ele ne-am ales cu o gradina intreaga de culori. Gradina aceasta va merge la Muzeul Taranului Roman, la Targul de Martisor si speram sa bucure multe domnite .

EN: Still about spring today and I wouldn't mind if it were about it from now on:)
The sunny days inspiration took the shape of little flowers, fret sawed and painted, ready to be wore as earrings. We hope this garden of color will enchant many pretty ladies:)
 Nu ne mai saturam de stat afara, asa ca am luat si pranzul in curte si trebuie sa recunosc ca borsul cu hribi are gust si mai bun afara, langa foc.

EN: We can't get enough of the fresh air, so we took lunch outside and I must admit that wild mushrooms soup tastes much better in the nature, next to the fire.

Fiecare zi trece frumos si cu folos la Gospodaria Primitiv, mesterim, pictam, gatim si ne bucuram de viata simpla.

EN: Every day goes by nice and useful here, at Primitiv, we paint, carve, cook and enjoy the simple life.

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