
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 19 februarie 2016


De fiecare data cand scriu o noua postare ma surprinde ca e deja vineri si s-a mai scurs o saptamana. Apoi arunc o privire peste fotografiile cu ce am pictat si sunt multe, multe si realizez ca timpul zboara atunci cand mesteresc:) Saptamanile care au trecut au adus multe comenzi si bineinteles ca vedete au fost martisoarele. Anul acesta am facut multe brose si cercei cu surub, iar ca noutate, Valentin a traforat feliile de lemn in forma de flori si a iesit ceva deosebit.
Ne-am bucurat de promovare pe un site foarte citit:
Printesa urbana
 si am cunoscut astfel oameni frumosi.
EN: Each time when I write a new post, I'm surprised it's Friday and the week has passed by. Then I take a look at the photos throughout the weekdays with what I've painted and realize  that time flies when I craft. The passing weeks brought many orders and the stars were the "martisoare". This year we made many brooches and small earrings and the novelty is that Valentin used the fretsaw to create some beautiful wood flowers.

Ne-am luat si o vacanta de cateva zile si am calatorit spre sudul insorit. Am ajuns la Buzau, in Parcul Crang (prima vizita pentru mine, desi am locuit in zona pentru o perioada:) si am avut parte de o plimbare linistita care ne-a incarcat cu entuziasmul pasarelelor, bucuroase si ele de cele cateva raze e soare.
EN: We took a short trip to the sunny south and arrived in Buzau. There, we visited the Crang park where we enjoyed a quiet walk accompanied by the restless birds' songs.
Ma gandeam ca locuind la tara, sesizam mult mai usor diferentele de temperatura si schimbarea anotimpurilor: pasarile incep sa se auda tot mai tare in livada, motanul Ivan vaneaza cu incantare muste si alte gaze care tocmai se dezmortesc, curtea e tranzitata de pisici galagioase care isi cheama partenerii, soarele a urcat pe cer si incalzeste pamantul, s-a dezghetat paraul din fata portii. Si simt tot mai mult nevoia de a iesi pe afara, pentru a urca dealul pana sus in padure si a respira aerul improspatat.
EN: I was thinking that living at the countryside we feel much easier the temperature differences and the season changing: the birds are more and more noisy in the orchard, Ivan, the cat, is delightfully hunting for flies and bugs that have just came to senses , the yard is meeting point for cats looking for a partner, the sun is upper on the sky and heats the land, the river outside the gate is now defrosted. And I feel more and more the urge to go up on the hill, in the forest and breath the fresh air.

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