
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 30 martie 2016

Infinte Possibilities

Chiar daca mai timid, razele soarelui incep sa aiba putere, asa ca am inceput din timp sa pregatesc tinuta de vara:) Desi iarna aceasta am pictat multe tricouri, pentru domnite sau cavaleri prevazatori, care au vrut sa fie pregatiti atunci cand caldura se va instala, am hotarat sa incep sa postez doar de acum, ca sa fiu in ton cu sezonul. Si m-am apucat serios de pregatit o mini-colectie de tricouri, cu tema "plante medicinale", care sa fie gata pana de Florii si Paste.

EN: Even if a little bit shy, the sun rays are starting to gain strength, so I've started early to prepare the summer outfit. Although this winter I've painted many T-shirts, for ladies and gents that wanted to make sure they have the right gear for when the heath strikes, I've decided to start showing them now, to be "in season". And I've seriously began preparing a mini-collection of T-shirts, with the theme "medicinal plants", to have them ready for Easter.
O data cu soarele a inceput si natura sa reia in stapanire pamantul, asa ca livada si padurea din spatele casei au inverzit si inflorit. De un timp incoace incerc sa invat cat mai multe despre flora spontana si plantele salbatice comestibile (unii le-ar numi "buruieni", dar nu-mi place sensul peiorativ al cuvantului) si sa ma bucur de binefacerile lor. Si descopar in fiecare an noi si noi "delicatese" si ma minunez de belsugul pe care pamantul si natura ni-l ofera, fara a fi nevoie sa depunem vreun efort.
Asa am aflat despre "Galium aperine" sau turita, o plantuta taratoare, carnoasa, frageda si cu un gust delicios. La masa de seara am dat o tura prin livada, am strans cateva frunze de papadie, macris, flori de toporasi pentru aroma si turita cata am gasit. Le-am combinat intr-o salata si bine am facut, rezultatul a fost spectaculos. Bineinteles, inainte sa le mancam, m-am documentat bine de pe internet, pentru a identifica planta corect.
Si de aici inainte o sa avem de unde alege, pentru ca gradina naturii e imbelsugata si fiecare sezon aduce cu sine o varietate incredibila de plante salbatice, bogate in nutrienti si vitamine, pe care trebuie doar sa le culegem.
Doua din site-urile care ma inspira la "vanatoarea" de plante salbatice comestibile:

EN: At the same time with the sun, nature has also started to regain the land, so the orchard and the forest behind the house have simply flourished. Since some years, I've been trying to learn as much as possible about the wild edible plants (some would call them "weeds") and to enjoy their properties. And I discover each time new "delicacies" and I wonder of the richness that nature provides us with, without us having to do a thing.
This is how I found out about "Galium aperine", a crawling little plant, juicy, tender and delicious in taste. For the evening meal I took a walk in the orchard, picked some dandelion fresh leaves, some "Viola odorata" for their perfume and a handful of galium. I mixed them into a salad and it turned out to be a great idea. Of course, before eating them, I read on the internet about the plant, to be sure I properly identified it.
And from now on we'll have from where to pick, because nature's garden is rich and each season will bring a great variety of wild plants, filled with nutrients and vitamins, that we only have to gather.
One of the sites that are very inspiring for me in my hunt for wild edible plants:

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