
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2016

A Moment

Astazi o sa incalc putin ritualul de sambata si pe langa fotografie, o sa las aici si cateva cuvinte.
 Sarbatoarea de care ne vom bucura in cateva ceasuri e poate doar un pretext, insa am observat ca in momentele acestea oamenii sunt mai receptivi si incearca mai mult sa se priveasca in interior. Si cred ca daca am putea cu totii sa ne concentram mai mult pe ce e inauntrul nostru, cine suntem noi, fara sa ne mai interesam atat de mult de ce fac altii, daca ne-am respecta si ne-am iubi in primul rand pe noi ( si fizic si sufleteste) si am renunta la compromisuri doar de dragul imaginii sau pentru a multumi lumea din jur, lumea ar fi mai buna. Avem tendinta sa ne folosim de sarbatori pentru a face fapte bune care sa "spele" "pacatele", de parca ar exista vreo magie care sa stearga tot. Dar memoria nu prea ne-o putem sterge, asa ca cel mai simplu ar fi sa fim sinceri (din nou, in primul rand noua ne datoram asta) si sa ne privim, fara comparatii, fara preconceptii, fara asteptari. Eu cred ca oamenii in esenta sunt echilibrati si se pervertesc doar atunci cand se compara cu altii. Si din pacate se compara in aspecte atat de putin importante, de cele mai multe ori materiale...Sa nu uitam ca suntem cu totii la fel, ca impreuna suntem puternici, ca avem aceleasi preocupari, griji, dorinte si ca ne pacalim atunci cand credem ca ce facem noi nu mai face nimeni, ca gandurile noastre sunt unicat. Asa ca urarea mea e nu sa fim "mai buni", ci sa fim "mai sinceri" !
Sarbatori fericite!
EN: Today I'll break a little the Saturday ritual and I will leave here, besides the photography, a few words. The celebration we are preparing for in a couple of hours (in Romania, Easter is around the corner) is maybe just a pretext, but I observed that people are more open near holidays and they are trying to see more inside themselves. And I believe that if we could all be more focused on ourselves, on who we are, without caring that much on what others are doing, if we respected and loved firstly ourselves and we could give up on compromises for the sake of image or to satisfy the world around us, everything would be better. We tend to use celebrations to be better, to do good deeds and to "wash" their sins, as if there was any magic to delete everything. But we can't delete our memory, so it would be easier to be honest (primarily to ourselves) and to look at us without comparison or preconception or expectation. I believe the essence of people is balance and they get perverted when they compare themselves with the others. And unfortunately we compare with others in the most unimportant details, the material things...Let's not forget that we are all the same, that together we are strong, that we share the same worries, wishes and that we fool ourselves when we believe that what we or what we think is unique. So, my wish ia not "let us be better", but "let us be more honest"!

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