
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2016

Put Some Sunshine On

De cand s-a facut fapt ce primavara, e vara in toata regula, daca si noi, aici, la munte, am hotarat sa nu stam prea mult la soare:) Cum spuneam, de cand a venit vara, mi-e drag tare sa ies sa pozez bijuurile, pentru ca lumina naturala face fotografiile sa arate superb. Iar cerceii acestia, dintr-un lemn frumos, dar pe care n-am reusit sa-l identificam, au nuante calde, numai bune de tinut la soare.

EN: Since spring...actually, it's not quite accurate to call "spring" these 26 degrees Celsius we're experimenting, even here, in the mountains. So, since summer has arrived, I like it a lot to take outdoor photos of the accessories, because the natural light makes them look splendid. And this pair of earrings have beautiful warm tones, that go so well with the sun light.
 Weekendul trecut a fost, ca de obicei, dedicat plimbarii. Am ajuns la Botosani, si am dat o tura de oras, dupa care ne-am indreptat spre Ipotesti, satul in care s-a nascut Mihai Eminescu.

EN: Last weekend was, as usually, reserved for a trip and we went to Botosani, a beautiful city, that is starting to look more and more cosmopolitan. After a walk in the city, we headed to Ipotesti, a nearby village where a great Romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu, was born.
 Si cum altfel, am patruns in padurea vrajita care margineste satul, spre "lacul codrilor, albastru" si am savurat linistea, ciripitul pasarilor, incercand sa ne imaginam pasii marelui poet. Un loc care intr-adevar inspira la meditatie, la intins pe iarba si timp care sta in loc.

EN: And we entered the enchanted forest that's on the edge of the village, toward the lake (this lake has been the poet's inspiration for many poems) and savored the quietness, the birds singing and tried to imagine Eminescu walking those woods. A place that is truly inspiring, where you just want to lay down in the grass and stop the time.

Lacul era acoperit de promisiunea nuferilor galbeni, care in vara il vor transforma intr-un paradis.

EN: The lake was covered with the promise of the yellow water-lillies, that in the summer will turn it into a paradise.

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