
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 16 iulie 2016


Un scai inflorit trece de multe ori neobservat printre sutele de flori, care mai de care mai spectaculoase care coloreaza pajistile verii. Mie mi se par niste plante deosebite: incepand cu frunzele care pot ajunge la dimensiuni foarte mari (numai bune de folosit ca umbrela de soare sau ca protectie de ploile torentiale), apoi "scaietii" care erau motiv de amuzament cand eram copii si pe care studiindu-i de aproape am descoperit tiparul perfect de floarea-vietii in care sunt disuse petalele si pana la nuanta de mov intensa a petaleleor. Asa ca m-am hotarat sa pictez niste fori de scai pe unele dintre cele mai frumoase felii de lemn pe care le am: lemn de pin, imbibat cu rasina parfumata si stralucitoare.
EN: A burdock might often pass by as unseen among the hundred of summer flowers that color the pasture. I find them as very special plants: starting with the leaves that can reach to very big sizes (perfect for being used as sun shades or as protection against rain), then the buds, with their sticky needles that we had so much fun with when growing up and which have a perfect flower of life pattern and also the beautiful purple shade of the petals. So I've decided to paint them on my most beautiful pieces of wood: some irregular pine wood, filled with perfumed and glowing resin.
Gradina incepe sa prinda viata si ma amuzam zilele trecute ca parca totul are o nuanta galbuie: florile de rosii, florile dovleceilor, ale castravetilor, floarea-soarelui, chiar si fanul, nuanta accentuara de soarele puternic si verdele frunzelor. In curand o sa gustam primii castraveti si primele rosioare cherry:)

EN: The garden is coming to life and it was funny to see that everything has a yellow shade: the tomatoes flowers, the zucchini flowers , the cucumber ones, the sun-flower, even the hay, all enhanced by the shinny sun and the green of the leaves. We will soon taste the little cornishon cucumbers and the cherry tomatoes:)
Pentru ca ne plimbam mult in sezonul cald, drumurile cu masina devin un prilej perfect pentru lectura. De curand am inceput o carte pe care am pus ochii mai demult in librarii: "Romania Medicilor. Medici, tarani si igiena rurala in Romania de la 1880 la 1910", scrisa de Constantin Barbulescu. Cartea rezuma mai multe surse scrise din acea perioada (in special rapoartele medicilor de la tara) si dezvaluie felul in care erau vazuti locuitorii satelor prin ochii medicilor: felul in care isi construiau locuintele, hrana, igiena, imbracamintea, mentalitati, uneori prezentate obiectiv, alteori privite destul de personal si cu un oarecare sentiment de dispret. Oricum, o bucatica din istoria Romaniei mai putin stiuta.
EN: Because we drive a lot in the warm season, this becomes a good excuse for reading. I've lately found this book: "Romania through the eyes of the doctors. Doctors, peasants and rural hygiene in Romania from 1880 to 1910", that unveils the way the countryside inhabitants were being seen by the doctors: how they built their homes, how they were dressed, what they ate,their beliefs, all this presented sometimes objectively, other times quite personal and with a sense of disgust.

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