
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 22 septembrie 2016

Fair Wind in your Sails

Uneori (sau deseori) eu si Valentin povestim despre cum o sa plecam pe mare, spre o insula a comorilor, intr-o aventura ca in cartile lui Mark Twain. O sa ne imprietenim cu piratii, o sa petrecem cu localnicii si vom naviga de-a lungul coastei, oprind in cele mai exotice porturi.
EN: Sometimes (often), Valentin and I talk about how we will leave on the sea, towards a treasure island, in an adventure like the ones in Mark Twain's books. We will make friends to the pirates, party with the locals and sail along the shores, landing in the most exotic harbors.
 Si pana sa pornim noi pe mare (eu una mai am cateva mici frici de indepartat sau poate momentul n-a sosit), navigam pe drumurile patriei, prin tinuturile acestea magice, care pe mine una, sincer, ma surprind de fiecare data prin peisajul atat de variat.
EN: And before we venture to the sea (I still have some fears to deal with), we sail the country's roads, through these magical lands, that get me surprised each time: such various landscapes, so many different people.
 Un taram vrajit am descoperit in Muntii Apuseni, la Rosia Montana.
EN: An enchanted land we found in the Apuseni Mountains, at Rosia Montana.
 Mi-ar fi placut sa prind rasaritul, de sus, de pe creasta, dar linistea presarata de talangile vacilor si zgomotul cicadelor combinate cu  aerul proaspat de dupa ploaie m-au tinut in taramul viselor si am dormit asa de bine, cum de mult nu mai dormisem. Totusi, la 7 dimineata am avut parte de o priveliste superba, cu ceata care acoperea vaile si crestele uriasilor inaltandu-se din marea pufoasa.
EN: I wished to see the sunset, from up the hill, but the quietness soothed by the sound of the cows and the crickets, topped with the fresh air after the rain, kept me in the land of dreams and that sleep was one to remember. Still, at 7 in the morning I saw one of the most beautiful views, with the mountain peeks reaching up from the fluffy fog.

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