
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 15 septembrie 2016

Festival of Pure Joy

 Am pictat o mica hora, ca simbol al comunitatii si colaborarii, pentru ca stiu si cred ca noi oamenii avem nevoie unii de ceilalti si cel mai bine ne este cand suntem impreuna.
EN: I painted a "hora" (it's a Romanian traditional dance in which people join hands and form a circle), as the symbol of community and collaboration, because I know and I believe that us, humans, need each other and we feel the best when we are together.
 Tot impreuna ne-am bucurat de ultimele zile de vacanta  alaturi de minunatii de la centrul "Izvorul sperantei" si am sarbatorit frumoasele zile de inceput de toamna afara, cu tot soiul de activitati distractive si constructive.
EN: Also together we enjoyed the last holiday days with the wonderful children from "The Fountain of Hope" and we celebrated the beautiful beginning of autumn through fun and creative activities.
 Am modelat din fimo creaturi din alte lumi si ne-am amuzat copios creaind povesti despre ele.
EN: We shaped out of Fimo creatures from other worlds and had lots of fun creating stories about them.

 Ne-am catarat, ne-am leganat, pentru ca nu-i asa, un pic de maimutareala e sanatoasa:)
EN: We climbed, we swing, because a little monkey business is always healthy:)
 Am gasit reteta perfecta pentru baloanele uriase de sapun
EN: We found the perfect recipe for the giant soap ballons
 Ne-am exersat acuitatea si am tras cu arcul
EN: We challenged our dexterity in archery
 Am pictat si ne-am pictat
EN: We painted wood and ourselves

 Si am incheiat totul in jurul focului, cu muzica, dans, voie buna si cartofi copti.
EN: And we closed this beautiful festival around the fire, with music, dance, happiness and fire baked potatoes.

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