
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 7 septembrie 2016

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

Vara inca mai sta, asa ca tricourile sunt parte din garderoba de zi cu zi, iar un tricou pictat se potriveste cu orice, oricand:)
EN: The summer is still here, so T-shirts are a must and a painted one goes well with everything and in any circumstance.

 Pe langa mult pictat, pregatit tot felul de muraturi, gasit metode de mancat multele mere pe care nu m-am putut abtine sa nu le culeg din livada pustie, plimbari la garla cu catelusa Tripi, ne-am gasit timp pentru un pic de sport organizat: Weekendul trecut Valentin a participat la consursul de biciclete "Vreau sa fiu activ", pe care asociatia Amurtel cu ajutorul autoritatilor locale l-au organizat in comuna Panatau, Buzau.

EN: Besides a lot of painting, pickling, finding ways to eat the many apples I couldn't stop picking from a deserted orchard, walking at the river with our dog, Tripi, we found time for a little sport. So, this weekend Valentin raced in the bike contest "I want to be active", organized by Amurtel association with the help of the local council in Panatau, Buzau county.

Copilasi entuziasmati, tineri dornici de miscare si cativa aduti curajosi, s-au inscris la cursa si au pedalat increzatori, reusind sa parcurga cu brio traseul.
EN: excited children, young boys and girls who love sport and a few brave adults lined at the start point and rode their bicycles, successfully finishing the race.

Au fost rasplatiti cu medalii, dulciuri si aplauzele spectatorilor, dar mai ales cu sentimentul ca au fost exemplu pentru promovarea unui stil de viata sanatos.
Atat noi spectatorii, cat si cei inscrisi in concurs ne-am distrat si cred ca ar fi frumos sa se organizeze cat mai multe evenimente de acest fel, care aduc laolalta comunitatea si incurajeaza pe toata lumea sa faca sport.
EN: They were rewarded with medals, sweets and the spectators' applause, but the most satisfying was the feeling that they gave a positive example in promoting a healthy lifestyle. These kind of events bring small communities together and are a great way of encouraging people to move and be active.

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