
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 30 septembrie 2016


Anul acesta, desi ne-am plimbat mult, prin paduri, pe coclauri, recolta de ciuperci n-a fost asa bogata. Si nostalgica fiind dupa roadele padurii, am creat cerceii, ca pe un mic ghid la purtator pentru iubitorii de ciuperci.
EN: This year, although we waked a lot through forests and on the hills, the wild mushrooms yield was not that rich. And being nostalgic after this delicious forest gifts, I painted these earrings, also as a mini-guide for the foragers, a chic and fashionable one, too:)
 Oricum, nevoia culegatorului mi-a fost satisfacuta anul acesta, nu ma plang. Livada de meri, desi nici ea n-a fost asa bogata in roade, ne bucura cu soiuri diferite de fructe delicioase si zilele insorite ne-au scos la cules.
EN: Anyway, my gatherer need was satisfied, I can not complain. Our apple orchard, although it didn't fruit that well, it still gives us plenty of delicious and various fruits and the sunny days took us out for picking them.

 Si mica gradina inca produce, iar experimentul cu rosii cherry a fost cat se poate de multumitor. Sunt un soi perfect pentru cei care nu au timp sa le ingrijeasca, nepretentioase si rezistente, dar cu o mare fructificare.
EN: Our little garden is still producing and the cherry tomatoes experiment proves to be a success. They are very strong plants, with little demands and they offer a lot of yield with little care.
Si cum toamna de abia a inceput, eu cred ca si ciupercutele se vor arata, asa ca abia astept cateva drumetii prin padurile Bucovinei.
EN:And with autumn being still young, I believe that the mushrooms will show up, so I can hardly wait for some trips in the woods of Bucovina.

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