
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 20 octombrie 2016


Deja de vreo cateva saptamani (mai exact de cand am inceput sa facem focul in sobe), ceaiul e nelipsit de pe vechea plita incinsa. Cu aroma de menta si melisa (mai nou preferatul meu), cu muguri de brad, ciubotica cucului (care imi aduce aminte cu drag de primavara trecuta, cand livada era acoperita de covorul galben de floricele) si felii uscate de mar, ca sa punem si un pic de toamna, cu gherghine, coarne si tei, acrisor si fructat si tot soiul de combinatii de moment din plantele adunate toata vara de pe pajisti sau din padure.
Am avut si norocul sa gasim un producator de miere ale carui albinute harnice si cred eu tare fericite au muncit o bunatate de aur lichid, care e companionul perfect al ceaiurilor, pe care le bem nu doar la ora 5, dar cam toata ziua.
EN: It's already been weeks (actually since we started the fire in the stoves) since on the old iron stove we have a pot of tea. With mint and melisa flavor (this one is my favorite for the moment), with pine firs, primula officinalis (that reminds me of last spring's beautiful sight, with small yellow flowers covering the orchard) and dried apple slices, to add a bit of autumn or with gooseberries, cornelian cherries and lime flowers, sour and fruity and all sorts of mixtures, inspired by the abundance of wild medicinal plants we picked all summer long from the pastures and woods.
We were lucky to find a honey producer whose happy bees make the best liquid gold I've ever tasted, which is the perfect companion for the tee.
Si cum toamna e sezonul recoltei, fiecare drum la piata e o delectare pentru ochi, iar mintea invarte tot felul de ganduri perverse despre gusturi care mai de care si experimente culinare ce nu suporta amanare. De data aceasta sfecla mi-a "vorbit" cu glasul ei dulce si aroma de pamant si am gasit o reteta minunata de chiftele:
3 cartofi fierti in coaja, curatati si dati pe razatoare
4 sfecle, crude, date si ele pe razatoarea fina, presarate cu sare si lasate la scurs
1 ceapa tocata fin
faina de grau
Sfecla se stoarce cu mana de suc si se pune intr-un castron impreuna cu ceapa, cartofii si chimionul, apoi se framanata pana se obtine o pasta omogena. Se formeaza chiftele de marimea dorita, iar din faina cu apa se face o coca fluida, prin care se trece fiecare chiftea, urmand apoi sa fie tavalita prin pesmet si prajita. In combinatie cu iaurt de casa sunt delicioase!
EN:  And because autumn is the crop season, each trip to the market is filled with excitement and the endless possibilities to cook so many delicious foods, with local and seasonal ingredients. This time, the sweet "voice" of the beetroot kept my attention and its earthly flavor was exactly what I wanted to eat. So, I found a simple yet amazing recipe for burgers.:
3 whole boiled potatoes, peeled and finely grated
4 raw beetroots, finely grated, powdered with salt and left to drain their juice
1 onion, finely chopped
cumin powder
wheat flour
bread crumb
Take the beetroot and press the juice out with your hands, add it to the potatoes, pot the onion and the cumin and mix by hand until you get an even paste. Mix flour with some water, to make a fluid paste. Make the burgers the size you wish, put them through the flour paste, then through bread crumbs and fry them. Serve this with home made yogurt and enjoy!

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