
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 12 octombrie 2016

Slowing Down

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar noi ne bucuram de zilele acestea cu ploaie. Da, e mohorat, e rece si chiar noroi pe aici, prin sat, dar in acesti 2 ani de locuit "la tara", am invatat sa apreciem importanta unei ploi sanatoase. Satul nu are retea de apa si oamenii se descurca fiecare dupa puteri: unii au fantani, altii aductiuni, altii aduc cu butoaie sau strang apa de ploaie. Iar vara tarziu, dupa seceta si temperaturi mari, totul seaca si pamantul se usuca. Asa e si la noi, izvorul care ne daruieste apa seaca uneori si pana nu ploua zdravan, nu isi revine. Dar natura a avut si anul acesta grija de noi si ploaia ne-a binecuvantat la timp si nu am ramas fara apa.
Ploaia inseamna si rod in gradina si in padurile din zona, iar in cinstea unei toamne imbelsugate am creat si noi acest colier, care sa ne aminteasca de bogatia naturii
EN: I don't know how others feel, but we enjoy these rainy days a lot. Yes, it's dark and cold and even a mud on the village's roads, but in these 2 years of living "in the countryside", we learned to appreciate the importance of a good rain. The village has no running water, so people must find their own solutions: some have wells, some have springs, others bring the water from distance or have rain water tanks. And late in the summer, after drought and high temperatures, everything becomes dried. This happens to the spring that gives us the so needed water, but luckily this year nature was kind and the rain started right on time.
The rain means good crops in the garden, forest fruits, mushrooms, so to celebrate the rich autumn we created this necklace and to remind us of the richness that nature provides us with.
 Si ce poate fi mai placut cand afara ploua si lemnele trosnesc in soba (noi ne bucuram de sobe de teracota in fiecare camera, pe care focul de lemne le incinge si le transforma in spatare calde si confortabile), decat lectura unei carti care te poarta in lumea buna a altor vremuri, cu dineuri copioase, baluri pana in zori si viata lejera? Asta pare sa promita din primele pagini "Gandurile trandave ale unui pierde-vara" scrisa de Jerome K. Jerome.
EN: And what can be more pleasant when outside is raining and the wood is slowly burning in the stove (we have terracotta stoves in each room, which are turned by the fire into nice and comfortable "put-your-back-on places"), than reading a book that takes you into the good old days, with fabulous dinners, ball parties until the morning and a life of leisure? This is what the "Idle thoughts of an idle fellow" by Jerome K. Jerome seems to promise to its reader.

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