
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 24 noiembrie 2016

Al Mighty

Ei bine, se fac in curand 2 ani de cand locuim cu drag in tinutul de poveste al Bucovinei si, printr-o frumoasa intamplare am marcat momentul cu o comanda inedita pentru mine: un tablou cu Stefan cel Mare, ocrotitorul Sucevei si parintele Moldovei. Sincer, tablouri pe panza am pictat putine, de numarat pe degete (poate chiar pe cele de la o mana) si am avut emotii, mai ales ca destinatarul este un comandant de unitate militara, iar pictura urmeaza sa fie cadoul pe care i-l fac baietii din subordine (am scris "baietii", pentru ca sincer la grade militare nu ma pricep) la pensionare. Mi-am dat silinta sa pictez ceva frumos, ceva ce mi-ar placea si mie pe perete. Valentin a avut sarcina de a se documenta istoric si m-a indrumat in ce priveste trasaturile domnitorului, a sabii pe care o purta si a fost ochiul critic care mi-a dat masura. A fost un exercitiu pe cinste, mai ales ca nu sunt obisnuita sa pictez subiecte mari (chiar daca am pictat pereti mai mari decat panza aceasta, detaliile au fost mici) si ma descurc ceva mai greu cu perspectiva. Tot o provocare a fost si timpul de executie: cand pictez ceva mic, rezultatul se arata repede, dar pentru tablou am avut nevoie de cateva zile si de fiecare data cand reveneam mai gaseam un detaliu de adaugat, o linie de corectat si probabil daca il aveam sub ochi, as fi putut ani de zile sa lucrez la el:))
Oricum, concluzia e ca mi-a placut tare mult sa-l pictez pe Stefan si mi-am propus sa imi mai iau cateva panze mari si sa pictez niste tablouri, fara termen, fara subiect cerut, pur si simplu tablouri dupa imaginatia si sufletul meu, negandite care sa se transforme pe masura ce trec cu pensula peste ele, fara vreo idee clara despre final.
EN: Well, it will soon be 2 years since we joyfully live in this fairy tale land of Bucovina and, by a beautiful life happening, I marked this moment with a novelty order: a painting of Stefan the Great, the father of Moldova. To be honest, I've painted so few conventional paintings (I could count them by the fingers from one hand, I believe) and I was very nervous, especially that the person who would receive it is the chief commander of a military unit and the painting is the retirement present that his officers are giving him. So, I tried my best to have a beautiful result, something I would like to hang on my wall. Valentin was en charge of the historical research and he found out about the features of the ruler, about the way his sword looked and he was basically the critical eye along the process. It was quite an exercise, considering that I'm not used to painting large subjects (although I painted murals larger than this painting, they were always filled with small details) and my approach on the perspective is still clumsy. The time frame was also a challenge: when I paint something small, I see the result fast, but for the painting I needed a few days and each time I came back to it, I found some details to add, some lines to correct and if I had it for longer under my look, I could have probably worked on it for years:))
The conclusion is that I really enjoyed working on it and I decided to buy some more blank sheets and paint some free subject paintings, with no time limitation or thoughts about the final result.

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