
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 3 noiembrie 2016

Enchanted Forest

 O plimbare prin padure este, cred eu, panaceu pentru orice suparare, durere, cea mai buna cale de relaxare si o modalitate utila de petrecut timpul.
EN: I believe a walk in the woods is the best remedy for any disease, sadness, a wonderful way to relax and one of the most useful time spenders.

 In ziua de azi ajungem atat de putin in natura, ne petrecem timp pretios inauntru, in incaperi patrate si intre pereti de tot felul si ne privam pur si simplu de oxigen. In zilele in care ma simt abatuta, fara chef sau cu dureri de cap, 30 de minute de aer curat, o plimbare pe deal si in padure sunt o adevarata binecuvantare.
EN: Today we go so rarely in nature, we spend most of our precious time inside, in square rooms, between all sorts of walls and we simply lack oxygen. The days I feel sad, moody, not motivated or when I have a headache, 30 minutes of going up the hill and walking in the forest are a real blessing and solve everything.
Acum vreo 2 saptamani am celebrat bucuria si dragostea pentru natura si padure, pictand un tablou pe care li l-am daruit copiilor de la gradinita din sat, din Prisaca Dornei. Mi-am dorit ca privindu-l sa li se aprinda dorul de drumetii si sa isi aduca aminte ca sunt norocosi sa locuiasca intr-un loc inconjurat de munti, paduri, rau si aer curat.
EN: About two weeks ago I celebrated the joy and love for nature and the forest by painting this wall hanging, as a gift for the kindergarten children from our village. I wished that by looking at it they will always remember how lucky they are to live in this place surrounded by mountains, forests, rivers and fresh air.

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