
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 18 noiembrie 2016

On the Peak

Poate parea surprinzator, dar noi ne-am bucurat zilele acestea nu de prima, ci de a doua ninsoare din sezon, care s-a dovedit mai hotarata si mai asezata, asa ca dupa vreo 5 zile, inca avem un morman de spuma alba si rece in mijlocul curtii. A nins frumos si linistit si pentru ca, intamplator sau cine stie, programat, am desfacut si primele mandarine, atmosfera a fost destul de "craciuneasca" :)) Tripi, catelusa ghidusa care deja de 2 luni ne insoteste peste tot, a savurat din plin prima ei iarna si si-a petrecut zilele in varful livezii, alergand prin zapada, inviorata probabil de frigul care ne-a daruit niste turturi de gheata de toata frumusetea.
Ca un preview binevenit, ne-am bucurat si noi de vremea de stat in casa, cu lemnele trosnind in soba, am baut ceai, tuica fiarta (din productie proprie) si am copt scrijele pe plita incinsa.
De pe geamul din sufragerie avem sub obesrvatie o tuie incarcata cu fructe, ale caror seminte au devenit hrana preferata pentru pasarele: pitigoi, mugurari, gaite, ciocanitori, grauri, se agita si se infrupta, iar noi avem parte de un spectacol rar.
EN: It may seem surprisingly, but we enjoyed these days the second snow of the season, which proven to be more settled, while after 5 days we still have a pile of white and cold foam in the middle of the yard. It snowed beautiful and slowly and while we were eating the first mandarins, we realized it feels a little "christmasy", although quite early:)) Tripi, our playful dog who's been our companion since 2 months already, enjoyed her first winter and spent her days on top of the orchard, running through the snow and caring little about the cold.
As a welcomed preview, we enjoyed the indoor weather, with the woods cracking in the stove, we drank lots of tea and boiled "tuica" (the traditional romanian strong alcoholic drink, that we made oureselves from the apples e picked) and we baked potato slices on the stove.
From our living room window we see a thuja tree that has become the favorite destination for many species of birds, which come to eat the seeds from its fruits: yellow great tits, bullfinches, wood peckers, common starlings, eurasian jays, come and go and give us such pleasant entertainment.
E atat de odihnitor si firesc sa putem sa ne setam ritmul dupa natura si aici ne bucuram din plin de acest lucru. Dupa ce vara ne-am petrecut-o calatorind, pe la festivaluri, prin paduri si pe coclauri, toamna ne-am ocupat de cules roadele, pregatit lemnele pentru iarna, provizii si aranjat casa pentru iarna, incepem sa incetinim, iar activitatile mai energice sunt inlocuite de facutul focului, de citit, de timp mai mult petrecut in casa, sub patura de lana cu ceaiul in mana, de gatit, de pictat si refacut stocul cu gandul la vara ce va veni si pur si simplu de timp pentru visare. Cred ca exista un timp pentru fiecare actiune, iar la tara oamenilor le vine mai natural sa il respecte, asa ca suntem recunoscatori pentru perioada aceasta din vietile noastre si incercam sa ne bucuram cat putem.
EN: It's so soothing and suitable to set our rhythm according to nature and here we fully enjoy this. After we spent the summer traveling a lot, going to festivals and in the woods, in autumn we picked the crop, prepared the fire wood, the provisions and the house for the winter, we start to slow down and the activities become more static: we make the fire, we read, we spend more time indoors, drinking tea, cooking, painting stuff for next summer's markets and we simply dream more. I believe there is a time for each action and at the country side people are more connected to this pace, so we are grateful for this period in our lives and we try to make the most of it.

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