
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 1 decembrie 2016


Duminica a fot despre creativitate, femei frumoase si pasionale, voie buna, culoare, descoperirea talentului, depasirea prejudecatilor si apropierea dintre suflete.
Atelierul Primitiv a ajuns la Cabana Padurarului, mai aproape de casa decat ne asteptam, chiar in Prisaca Dornei, alaturi de 8 doamne deosebite. Am pictat, am pirogravat, am creat si pentru aproape 4 ore ne-am impartasit povestile si ne-am daruit reciproc ganduri bune si energie pozitiva.
EN: Sunday was about creativity, beautiful and passionate women, joy, color, reviling ones talent, getting rid of prejudices and souls coming together.
Primitiv workshop went to the The Ranager's Cabin, closer to home than expected, together with 8 special ladies. We painted, wood burned, we created and for about 4 hours we shared our life stories and gave each other good thoughts and positive vibes.

De fiecare data cand tinem un atelier, ma fascineaza dinamica povestii: oamenii se aseaza, la inceput reticenti, ne spun ca ei nu picteaza, nu au talent, nu se descurca, apoi iau pensula, o inmoaie timizi in culoare, trag cateva linii si se pierd in starea de relaxare pe care o da, invariabil, pictura. Si timpul dispare, orele se topesc in culoare, ritmul inimii incetineste si din mainile participantilor ies minuni.
Ne-am obisnuit sa avem asteptari de la tot ce facem, sa incepem un lucru, avand deja foarte clar in minte rezultatul si cred ca asta se vede cel mai bine cand vrem sa incercam ceva nou. De exemplu, legat de pictura, oamenii au, de multe ori, o frica: ce va iesi nu va arata "frumos" sau "asa cum trebuie" sau cum ne-am imaginat si sigur se vor face de ras. Eu una trec prin asta si acum, de fiecare data cand expun ce creez sau cand ii arat unui client rezultatul, parca n-ar fi "suficient de bun". Si imi dau seama ca atitudinea aceasta e o umbra din trecut, cand mi se cerea sa fac totul corect, sa iau note bune, sa nu gresesc, care ma urmareste si acum si imi cere "perfectiunea". Care o mai fi si asta? :)) Asa ca daca vrei sa pictezi si pana acum ti-a fost teama, uita tot si fa cum face un copil: mazgaleste, trage linii, combina culori imposibile si nu-ti bate capul cu rezultatul: ideea e sa te simti bine. Mie imi place sa cred ca viata trebuie sa fie simpla si buna.

EN: Each time we held a workshop, I'm fascinated by the way the story goes: people sit down, reluctant in the beginning, they tell us they don't paint, they don't have talent, they can't manage, then they take the brush, they put the color, draw some lines and loose themselves in the relaxed mood given by painting. And time disappears, the hours melt in color, the heart rhythm slows down and from their hands wonderful creations are born.
We are used to having expectations from everything we make, to start a thing having very clearly in mind the result and I believe this is best shown when we try something new. For instance, when they paint, most people fear that it will look ugly or not how they have imagined and they'll make a fool out of themselves. It always happens to me when I take out what I create or when I show a finished order to a customer, it feels like it's not good enough. And I realize that this feeling is a shadow from the past, when I was asked to get everything right, to get good grades, not to make mistakes and this is still following me and asking for perfection. Whatever that is...? :)) So the best way to approach painting is to do what children do: doodle, draw lines, mix impossible colors and don't think about the result: the idea is to enjoy. I like to believe that life should be simple and good.

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