
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 30 ianuarie 2017


Respiratia este motorul vietii. M-am trezit ca de cele mai multe ori respir superficial, pe jumatate, anticipand momentul urmator, asteptand sa se intample ceva, cu gandul la timp, la secunda 2 si astfel simt mereu o senzatie de agitatie a corpului, de neliniste, pe care o pun acum pe seama neoxigenarii. Fara oxigen suficient, corpul e nemultumit si nu-i da pace spiritului sa se bucure de lume. Asa ca primul lucru pe care vreau sa il invat e sa respir. Cel mai usor e facand miscare, crescand ritmul cardiac, si fortand astfel plamanii sa se umple cu aer. Aer!
/ Breathing is the engine of life. I realized that most of the times I breathe superficially, half filling my lungs, anticipating the next moment, waiting for something to happen, thinking about time, about second 2 and thus I always feel my body nervous, anxious, feeling that now I know is due to lack of oxygen. Without enough of it, the body is unsatisfied and doesn't allow the spirit to enjoy the world. So, the first thing that I want to learn is how to breathe. The easiest way to do it is exercising: the heart beats increase and they force the lungs to expand. So, breathe!

Pink Floyd "Breathe" 

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