
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 9 ianuarie 2017

Joie de Vivre

Aura Urziceanu "Dor de viata"
Si-am mai schimbat o cifra spre inca un an, ne-am facut calcule, bilanturi, liste cu ce vrem pentru noul an, am mai umplut o cutie cu amintiri, unii am sarbatorit cu sampanie, cu prieteni, altii in tihna casei...
Pentru noi 2016 a fost o calatorie in Tara Minunilor, presarata cu experiente frumoase, prieteni noi, iar finalul anului ne-a adus cea mai mare aventura de pana acum: un sufletel care ne-a ales sa-i fim parinti si sa impartim calatoria de acum incolo.
Venirea lui pe lume ne-a amintit ca viata e o bucurie, ne-a redat gustul si pofta de a savura totul: aerul rece cu miros de zapada, nenumaratele feluri de mancare, motanul gras care toarce pe fotoliu, lemnul care trosneste in focul din soba, apa vie de la izvor care ne ciupeste de fata dimineata, muzica, iubirea si lumea asta mare si frumoasa!

EN: So, we changed another number towards a new year, we draw the line, made lists with wishes for this new beginning, we filled another memories box, some celebrated with champagne, with friends, others in the warmth of their homes...
For us, 2016 was a travel to Wonderland, filled with beautiful experiences, new frineds and the end of the year brought us the greatest adventure so far: a little soul who chose us to be his parents and to share the path from now on.
His arrival reminded us that life is joy, gave us back the taste and the lust for life and for enjoying everything that it means:  the cold air smelling of snow, all the tasty foods we can enjoy, the fat cat purring on the couch, the wood burning in the stove, the spring water that bites our faces in the morning, music, love and this wide and beautiful world!

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