
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 15 februarie 2017


Am constientizat ca de multe ori evit sa il privesc in ochi pe cel cu care port o conversatie sau imi feresc din cand in cand privirea. Mi-am dat seama ca este esential sa intretin contactul vizual, pentru a stabili relatii sincere si o comunicare viabila. Daca l-as privi in ochi continuu pe cel caruia ii vorbesc, l-as intelege si sustinandu-i privirea, as putea sa ii transmit si lui clar ce am de spus, evitand "vorbitul in gol". Multe neintelegeri intre oameni se nasc pentru ca nu stabilim o comunicare sincera si directa. E mai simplu sa mint daca nu il privesc pe celalalt in ochi si e mai probabil sa il inteleg gresit daca nu il urmaresc cu atentie. De cele mai multe ori, intr-o discutie, imi pierd treptat atentia si daca nu depun efortul constient de a sta conectata, incep sa cobor in mine si propriile ganduri ma acapareaza, iar legatura care ar trebui sa se creeze intr-un dialog devine fada si chiar dispare. Asa ca am hotarat sa fac mereu exercitiul prezentei si privind in ochii celui care imi vorbeste si caruia ii vorbesc, sa ii dedic suta la suta timpul, gandurile si constienta mea.

EN: I realized that most of the time I avoid looking into the eyes of the person I'm talking to or I move my eyes away from his. I am aware that it is essential to keep eye contact in order to have sincere relationships and a healthy communication. If I continously looked into the eyes of the other speaker, I would understand him and I could clearly send my message, without "speaking to the walls". Many misunderstandings between people are born because we don't establish an honest and straight communication. It's easier to lie if I don't look into the eyes of the other person and it's more likely that I get him wrong if I don't follow his speech. Most of the times, while talking to somebody, I gradually loose my attention and if I don't consciounsly try to stay connected, I start to go inside myself and get lost in my own thoughts and the connection that should exist while communicating fades away. So I've decided to always be aware and look into the eyes of the person that I talk to, to fully dedicate my time, my thoughts and my awarness.

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