
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 11 martie 2017


"Ceea ce se stie sigur e ca, pentru majoritatea amerindienilor, cuvantul are o putere ascunsa, ca el se cuvine inteles perfect, rostit numai atunci cand e neaparata nevoie;(...) << Nu zeama ierburilor bauta de bolnav e tamaduitoare-observa un cercetator al traditiilor poporului Crow- ci cuvintele rostite in soapta, intr-o anumita ordine si cu o anumita intonatie.>>" "Cantecul bizonului-din literatura pieilor rosii"
 Cuvintele au puterea de a crea lumea din jurul nostru si orice gand rostit modeleaza realitatea si ne influenteaza relatiile cu cei din jur. Astazi, limbajul a devenit foarte complex si folosim multe cuvinte atunci cand comunicam, dar de multe ori transmitem atat de putin prin ele, parca am abuza pur si simplu de vocabular si functia vorbirii. Socrate aplica un algoritm foarte simplu legat de ce le spunea altora si ce ii asculta spunandu-i: informatia transmisa a fost verificata de cel care i-o comunica? este un lucru bun? ii foloseste sa stie acest lucru? Daca raspunsurile erau afirmative, atunci il interesa. Eu incerc sa pun in aplicare aceasta metoda si sa rostesc cuvintele atunci cand au sens cu adevarat.

EN: "What is known for sure is that for most of the native americans, the word has a hidden power, that it is suitable for it's meaning to be perfectly understood, spelled only when it is needed; (...) <>" " The song of the buffalo- from the red skins' literature"
Words have the power to create the world around us and any thought we put into speech, shapes the reality and influences our relations with the people around us. Today language has become very complex and we use many words when we communicate, but most of the times we say so little through them, simply abusing this speaking function. Socrates had a simple algorithm that helped him filter what he told the others and what he wanted to hear from them: was the information verified by that person? was it a good thing? was it useful to him to know that? If the answers were yes, than he would be interested. I try to apply this method and speak the words when they mean something to me.

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