
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 19 aprilie 2017


Pastele este, cred eu, un moment bun de celebrat viata si iubirea. Nu intamplator il sarbatorim la inceput de primavara, cand natura reinverzeste, iar sufletul ne e cuprins de o senzatie de speranta, cand lumina cucereste intunericul, si aerul miroase a flori si proaspat. Sa ne bucuram de fiecare zi, de fiecare om care ni se alatura pe drum si sa imbratisam viata pe care o triam ca pe un joc in care in orice clipa noi decidem pasul urmator, cu voie buna si incredere!

Easter is, I believe, the best moment to celebrate life and love. It's not a coincidence we celebrate it at the beginning of spring, when nature greens again and our soul is filled with hope, when light conquers the darkness and the air smells of flowers. Let us enjoy each day, each person who joines us on our path and let's embrace life like a beautiful game where each moment we decide the next step, with koy and confidence!

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