
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 29 aprilie 2017


Dupa ce iarna ne-a mai pacalit putin (nu cu putina zapada, pentru ca a nins intr-o zi mai mult decat in toata perioada "regulamentara"), in sfarsit soarele si-a facut treaba si livada a innebunit pur si simplu: ciubotica-cucului, papadii, merii, perii, ciresii, corcodusii, ne bucura, iar liliacul se pregateste si el (in zona noastra plantele revin la viata cu vreo 3 saptamani mai tarziu decat in alte parti).Recunosc ca m-am speriat putin cand in 3 dimineti la rand m-am trezit cu privelistea fulgilor desi de nea si chiar m-am amuzat de "incalzirea globala". Am avut timp sa meditez putin la vremurile cand eram atat de dependenti de vreme si ploaia, zapada, furtuna erau motiv de stat inauntru. Acum pare ca fortam natura si nu ne oprim orice-ar fi. E bine sa fim ocupati, dar cred ca e bine si sa ne linistim si eu una, sincer, nu inteleg cum progresul, in loc sa ne ajute sa reducem orele muncite, ne aduce ore suplimentare. Poate ca eu sunt o inadaptata lenesa, dar in civilizatia de acum ma simt destul de stinghera.

EN: After winter tricked us a little more (with lots of snow, actually), finally the sun is doing its job and our orchard has simply gone crazy: primulas, dandelions, the apple trees, the pears, the cherry trees give us joy and the lilac tree is also preparing to bloom. I admint it, I got a little scared when for 3 mornings in a row I woke up with the snow flakes dancing and I was also amused by the "global warming". I had time to meditate at those times when people where weather dependent and the rain, storms or snow kept them indoors. Now it seems that we are pushing nature and we don't want to stop no matter what. It's good to keep busy, but I believe sometimes is good to chill and I, to be honest, don't understand how progress, instead of reducing labor and the burden, brought us extra working hours. Maybe I am more lazy, but in this kind of civilization I feel a little out of place.

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