
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 26 iulie 2014

I see You

Zboara timpul si am senzatia ca vara de abia a inceput. Totusi calendarul spune altceva. O fi din cauza ploilor sau poate pentru ca am pictat mai mult decat in alti ani, dar parca anul acesta n-am avut parte de "vacanta mare". Si am hotarat ca nu e bine, musai trebuie sa facem ceva. Pentru inceput planuri: de mers la mare, de mers la rau, la baie, de mers dupa ciuperci, de mers la festivaluri. O sa incepem cu weekendul acesta, pe care il dedicam lenevelii, pentru a intra in atmosfera estivala:)
Asta nu inseamna ca ma opresc din pictat. Doar ca o sa fie la liber, nu cu program impus si fara vreun target anume. Pur si simplu dupa dispozitie.
Comenzile au fost si ele un motiv de munca sustinuta (un motiv placut, recunosc:). Asa a luat nastere colierul acesta, dupa ideea unei cliente dragi si cu vechime, care a vrut o buha. A iesit frumos, iar contrastul pe lemn e minunat, sunt foarte multumita si ii sunt recunoscatoare!

Dupa cateva luni de udat si copilit si ingrijit, saptamana aceasta ne-am bucurat si de roadele aromate si delicioase din gradina: au inceput sa se coaca rosiile (le-as numi "rosioare", ca tare imi sunt dragi, dar sunt rosii mari, in toata firea:P

Sistemul cu peturi a functionat perfect si n-am avut probleme cu insecte, rozatoare, mana sau buruieni. Probabil anul viitor o sa extindem cultura si o sa incercam si alte plante.

Just now it's starting to feel like real summer. The sun is up and it seems it wants to stay, but the most visible sign are the tomatoes:) They are ripening and we've already eaten three of them. It might be that the taste is much influenced by the fact that they are the fruit of our labor, but I can say for sure they taste and smell heavenly. Can't wait for the tomato salad with the basil from the balcony or some tomato soup. Yummy!
We're trying to plan some trips and escape a little, because this year we didn't really have a proper "big summer holiday". I'm also taking it easy with working and painting because lately it's been quite crazy with orders. I'm switching to summer mode and mood:)
I'll focus a little on the festivals we're trying to get to and maybe paint some special stuff for there and also prepare a workshop which I'll like to hold there. Hopefully it will turn out fun.
So, towards summer, full speed:)

Un comentariu:

  1. dear anka
    i have heard for you from my friend lisa (germany).
    She has showed me all the earrings, rings and necklaces that
    you have selt to her.

    First of all i would like to know the prices of the rings, earrings
    and the necklaces.

    also i'll be really greatfull if you could sent me a few photograhps
    of your work.

    on the other hand i live in Barcelona and i'm going there in. 3
    days so i would like to know if is it posible to sent me if i buy
    some jewerlly

    finally i only can pay with euros is it okay for you?

    i'm looking forward to hear from you

    yours sinscerly
