
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 8 iulie 2014

Union: The God and Goddess

Scriam acum cateva postari despre un dictionar de simboluri pe care l-am cumparat la un pret ridicol de mic (sa tot bati anticariatele). L-am luat la studiat si s-a dovedit o sursa de inspiratie minunata. Asa a luat nastere colierul, cu medalion din lemn de stejar, pirogravat.

Ii reprezinta pe Zeu si Zeita, Femininul si Masculinul, intr-o uniune completa, izvorand unul din celalalt. Simbolul, pare-se e destul de recent si dupa parerea mea e opera de geniu. Reda superb si atotcuprinzator ideea de legatura indisolubila intre cele doua principii, ce nu pot exista unul fara celalalt.

 Dupa munca si iar munca, weekendul acesta am hotarat ca o sa respect si eu cele doua zile "sfinte" de odihna (in ultimul timp nu prea mi-am luat pauze, dar am simtiti ca e momentul perfect:) si pentru a profita de soare si perioada am plecat la vanatoare de ciuperci.

Si am avut parte de o captura frumusica: galbiori, vinetele si mult-ravnitii iutari sau buretii laptosi. Despre ultimii doar auzisem, dar n-am avut pana acum ocazia sa ii gust.

S-au dovedit deliciosi! Atat murati, cat si la steamer, cu branza si piper mult pe deasupra. Chiar un gust deosebit si diferit de al altor ciuperci.

As promised, I'll try to go on with writing in English (good exercise, too:) This weekend, unlike the others, I've decided I need a break from painting and took advantage of the beautiful, sunny day and the period of the year when something magic happens in the forests: mushrooms come out! First, I've finished this necklace which was inspired by the symbol of the Goddess and God in perfect unity, emerging one from the other. Then, feeling satisfied with the weekend work, we headed to the forest (we had to chose from diffrent locations, because luckily our area is surrounded by beautiful nature) where we had so much fun, but also accomplished our mission: we picked quite a few mushrooms. Delicious new ones, which were so tasty and unusual (the white one, which we call "milky mushrooms", spicy and tasty) and some that I've tried before, but nevertheless tasty and special. I love mushrooms, they taste like forest!

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