
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 2 iulie 2014


Nu cred ca se cuvine sa scriu prea mult ca sa descriu cerceii acestia. De fapt de scris ar fi despre lemnul superb pe care am lucrat: catina. Mi-am dorit de ceva timp sa feliez un trunchi, pentru ca vazusem in niste  fotografii  ce sectiune frumoasa are. Dar a durat ceva timp pana am dat de niste bucati uscate bine, parte dintr-un gard care pe vremuri era foarte folosit in aceasta zona. M-am bucurat, m-am minunat, a privit feliile cateva zile pana sa ma incumet sa le pirogravez. Si mi-a aratat lemnul exact ce vrea. Mie imi plac tare mult si aproape ca n-am vrut sa ma depart de ei (dar asa fac de fiecare data:).

So, today I celebrate my first post in English:) I've realised I have many foreign friends, who are part of my world, but for them is impossible to read what I write here. That's why I'll try (because sometimes laziness is more powerfull than will:P to keep them updated with what I design, what happens at The Fountain of Hope or other (not so) interesting activities I'm part of.
This pair of earrings is one of the most dear to me, mostly because I've been waiting for some time to get a hand on buckthorne wood. Luckily, in the old times around here, people used to build fences with dried buckthorne, so while I was on a trip on the hills, I've discovered some pieces. Well dried and perfect for working on. The color is amazing and the section has a special design, it's one of the most beautiful wood I've seen. So all I had to do was to follow the shape and bring to life the design:) One of the things I love about wood is all the shapes and forms it creates in its section, with the rings. Beautiful!

Nu ma pot abtine sa nu va arat cea mai recenta descoperire in materie culinara: pesto! O delicatesa despre care credeam ca e musai sa fie de busuioc. Dar cum improvizatia e mama reusitei, intr-o zi inspirata in care pofteam ceva bun, dar usor, m-am incumetat sa pun in blender tot felul de ierburi aromatice care zaceau in frigider: leustean, patrunjel, cimbru, marar, busuioc (putin,ca nu ma incumet sa-l jumulesc prea tare:), chives, cu cateva nuci si alune crude, un pic de parmezan, ulei, suc de lamaie, sare si da-i si bazaie. A iesit o pasta gustoasa, pe care am folosit-o ca sos pentru paste. Cateva rosii proaspete si voila! Masa de seara, rapida si cred ca destul de usoara.

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