
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2014


Parca nimic lumesc nu se compara cu inceputurile, cu schimbarile de sens. Si cred ca pentru cei cu inima de nomad, doar aventura si calatoria sunt singurele adevaruri. In curand vom porni si noi intr-o (alta) mult-asteptata asemenea aventura, pusi in miscare de un vanticel caldut care ne promite soare, ocean si cate si mai cate fantezii exotice.
Am simtit nevoia de miscare, asa ca vom porni la drum! Nimic mai simplu:)
Intre timp si inspiratia isi trage seva tot din soare si lumile colorate si parca am prins puteri noi, chiar daca toamna se adanceste si lasa sa se intrevada coltii gerului. Eu una sunt deja cu gandul si sufletul la 30 de grade Celsius, ananasi creveti si nisip cald.

Intre timp, daca tot s-a colorat cerul in cenusiu, am gasit o carte care incalzeste de minune (si pe care o recomand cu un pahar de vin, mai degraba decat un ceai:). N-are sens sa scriu despre continut, dar pot sa o caracterizez fara teama de a gresi: "surprinzatoareo-comico-revelatoare". Atat.

EN: The chilly autumn wind started to blow these days. In Romanian we use the expression " the wind is beating":)) It sounds so punishing, but when winter is close, for sure you get the filling the wind is "beating". And due to this, we got a crave for sunny sky and warmth, so a great idea flourished in our minds: let's go somewhere hot. Let's taste the ocean. I think we are both gypsies. That's why we need to move from time to time and change the setting. So now we prepare for a wonderful adventure and the signs are promising.

Meanwhile, to fight the cold I found these book of Salvador Dali. I could call it a masterpiece, cause he is, indeed, a genius. The book is delirious delicious and goes well with a glass of wine:)

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