
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

duminică, 9 noiembrie 2014

The Good Life

Lung a fost drumul, dar ce recompensa la destinatie! Am scris "aventura", poate intelegand pe jumatate definitia, dar dupa doua zile a inceput sa se contureze: aventura, asa cum citeam in romanele lui Jules Verne, cu insula din mijlocul oceanului, cu palmieri si plante care mai de care, cu delfini (!!). Si toate astea intr-un loc unde e soare mereu (iar zilele innorate sunt o pauza binevenita), unde valurile sunt fundalul sonor si fructele exotice cresc pe marginea drumului.

Recunosc, am fost luata prin surpindere, dar nu de palmieri, ci de aglomeratia de cladiri si restaurante si forfota turistica. Eu, care ma asteptam sa gasim putina populatie si multa vegetatie.
Cumva, dezamagita in prima seara, am pornit a doua zi de-a lungul coastei si am parcurs kilometri buni de "Mamaia", poate ceva mai exotica.

Bineinteles, plaja si oceanul au sters senzatia si privind inspre nord am inteles ca pana la urma zona turistica, e zona turistica si e construita pe gusturile celor care vin o saptamana si nu vor sa renunte la confort. Dar, in "partea cealalta", se vad padurea si crestele vulcanice, care cine stie ce ascund.

Si chiar pe partea cealalta, dar de ocean de data aceasta, se intrezareste "La Gomera", o alta insula a Canarelor, populata de tarani, cu capre si culturi de banani si ananasi. Acolo vrem sa ajungem degraba, nu de alta, dar parca n-am venit pentru hoteluri si magazine (asemanatoare cu cele de pe litoralul nostru si cu o bogata oferta de marfa a la Dragonul Rosu:)

Norocul a facut sa nu ne oprim si lunga plimbare pe plaje ne-a purtat intr-un loc spectaculos, asa cum sperasem eu sa gasim: salbatic, cu oameni putini si cumva virgin: Spaghetti Bay, cum ii spun localnicii.
Dar asta e  o alta poveste sau cum ar subtitra orice serial respectabil "to be continued..."

EN: Sometimes you get to choose between really different things in life. This time we got an offer hard to refuse: a visit to Tenerife. So, balancing spending the winter in Romania and a 25 degrees Decembre, for us the choice was easy: let's get to the plam trees and taste the ocean!
The trip itself was hard and long, but when we landed I was sure we where (as usual), at the right place.
At frst I was a little overwhelmed (might say dissapointed) by all the buildings and noises and touristic fuss (I was expecting a Joules Verne tipe of island and instead I got a crowded city with beach).
But the first day made me change this impression, as we got to see a wild and beautiful place (which will have a full post, becase it's worthy). The locals call it Spaghetti beach.
Must say, I really wonder now why wasn't mankind concerned in leaving always near the sea or ocean and nature and built concrete houses and artificial environmentes. In places like this one, you get the feeling that you shouldn't be anywhere else...The life rythm is slow (although for tourists things get crazy, maybe because their stay is limited), its taste is of mangos and pineaples and most tasty bannanas I've ever eaten.
I feel we've enrolled for a beautiful adventure and so far everything is smooth and sunny (especially in the afternoon:D

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