
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 19 noiembrie 2014


Putin cate putin, incepem sa descoperim ca partea de insula pe care am ajuns e doar o bucatica din "Paradis" si locul are o istorie interesanta in spatele nebuniei turistice de la malul oceanului.
Asa am aflat despre populatia indigena, "guanches", a caror origine e destul de controversata. Nu am reusit sa ajungem la muzeu, dar am accesat sursa de intelepciune a secolului 21, google. Si am avut o surpriza placuta sa descopar ceramica pe care au lasat-o in urma. Cumva mi-a amintit de cultura Cucuteni si la fel ca si ei, guanches nu cunosteau roata, dar au creat niste piese deosebite si un sistem de simboluri complex.
 Cele trei cercuri concentrice reprezinta soarele si m-am gandit ca ar arata frumos pirogravate pe semintele culese tot de aici (al caror nume inca il caut:)
Azi am gasit si o carte despre insulele Canare, unde e prezentata cultura Guanches si abia astept sa o savurez (in spaniola, ne-am gandit sa exersam limba, care, scrisa, mi se pare destul de usor de descifrat)

EN: Little by little we find out that there's more to this island than just shops and tourists. It was actually inhabited since the old times and the indigenous population is called "guanches". Their origin is controversial and since we didn't go to the museum, I tried to find out more from googlwe, wherelse:) Searching for photos about them, I saw their pottery, beautiful and very complex. It reminded me of Cucuteni, a romanian primitive culture, which without knowing the wheel (just like the guanches), created astonishing pieces of clay. I felt inspired by these findings, so I chose the solar symbol (three concentric circles) to wood burn on these seeds, handpicked from a local tree (which I'm trying to identify).
Today we found a spanish book about the Canarian islands which I can't wait to read (it will be a good practice for my Spanish:))

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