
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 9 martie 2015

Tamer of the Snake

Povestea de azi e despre Kundalini. Sau energia despre care culturile orientale si hinduse cred ca isi are originea la radacina coloanei vertebrale. O data trezita, aceasta energie creeaza uniunea dintre toate dimensiunile fiintei si le armonizeaza, iar omul isi afla sensul si bucuria pura. E asemuita unui sarpe, tocmai pentru ca, trezindu-se, se unduieste, incet, de-a lungul coloanei vertebrale si patrunde intreaga fiinta, asa cum cobrele se ridica din cos, in ritmurile priceputului cantaret din flaut.
Bineinteles, pentru cei care practica diversele tehnici specifice acestor culturi orientale, trezirea lui Kundalini are o nota mistica, dar esenta ei este tot in bucuria vietii si linistea interioara.

Linistea interioara, cred eu, e tot ce face diferenta intre un om fericit si unul nemultumit. Pana la urma iti poate fi bine oriunde mergi (si am "testat" multe locuri:), daca iti e bine inauntrul tau, in "capul tau", cum ne place noua sa zicem:). Intr-un loc nou, asa cum e cel in care am ajuns acum, poti vedea o gramada de neajunsuri sau poti sa te bucuri de aventura. De data asta ne bucuram din plin si parca totul curge firesc. Da, "omul potrivit la locul potrivit", dar cred, totusi, ca omul potriveste locul, dupa asemanarea lui.

EN:Today story is about Kundalini. Or the enrgy that the hindu culture believes it has origin at the roots of the spine.Once it is awaken, this energy creates union between all aspects of the being, bringing them to harmony, so that the human can find its sense and pure joy. It is symbolized by a snake, because while it awakes, it curls around the spine and fills the whole being, just like a cobra rising from the basket, under the rhythm of the flout player. 
Of course, for those who practice ancient rituals, awakening Kundalini has a mystical significance, but its essence lays in the joy of life and inner peace.
Inner peace, I believe, makes the difference between a happy person and a discontent one. In the end, you can be well, anywhere you go, if you're well inside you're head:) You can see all the bad things in a new place or you can choose to enjoy the adventure. It's all about the right person making a place right:)

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