
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 30 martie 2015

The Raw Tree

E sfarsitul lunii martie si parca primavara da semne timide, ca si cum si-ar fi adus aminte ca e momentul ei. Prima zi cu soare cald m-a gasit in fata unui perete. Am calatorit la Bacau, unde un om minunat planuieste sa deschida o cofetarie raw-vegana, cu dulciuri pe cat de gustoase, pe atat de sanatoase.

Aveam o idee despre ce vroiam sa pictez si o tehnica noua pe care stiam sigur ca vreau sa o folosesc, dar nu prea aveam habar cum sa o aplic la o suprafata mai mare, asa ca pentru prima data in multii ani de cand pictez, aveam emotii. Insa din momentul in care am inceput, dupa vreo cativa centimetri am prins curaj si pictura parea sa arate tot mai bine, ba chiar mai frumos decat imi imaginam(victorie !).

 Ce e interesant e ca o suprafata mica, pe langa timpul mult mai scurt de lucru, iti da posibilitatea sa ai imaginea de ansamblu, pe cand un perete e intins si trebuie sa te opresti, sa te dai cativa pasi inapoi si sa privesti. Dureaza niste ore si daca ai si vizitatori e greu sa "te" explici (cred ca asta e o frica a multor artisti, ca ceilalti nu inteleg ce vrea sa transmita sau clientul e nemultumit).

 Oricum, am hotarat sa pictez intruna, cat ma tin ochii si mainile, ca sa ma apropii de finalul picturii in aceeasi zi. Asa ca a fost un soi de maraton de 12 ore, dar mi-a placut tare mult.

 A doua zi au mai ramas doar niste detalii, care mi-au luat o ora si parca satisfactia a fost si mai mare cand timpul pe care il anticipasem pentru pictat a fost mult mai scurt de fapt.

 Si asta e ceea ce a iesit: un copac peste care zanele au suflat praf magic si l-au adus la viata:) Am decis sa pastrez cromatica simpla si in ton cu viitorul mobilier, care va fi si el rosu-portocaliu-lemn natur si detaliile sa fie finute, subtile si vizibile de aproape.

Mi-ar placea sa fac asta cat mai des si e un soi de rezolutie pe 2015 sa pictez mai multi pereti (cu siguranta urmatorul pictat va fi la noi acasa, pentru ca tot aman momentul:)

It's the end of March and it seems spring is sending shy signals, as if she remembered it's her rime. The first sunny day found me in front of a wall. We traveled to Bacau, where a wonderful woman is planning to open a raw-vegan sweets shop.
I had an idea of what I wanted to paint and a new technique that I knew for sure I wanted to use, but I wasn't quite sure on how to apply it to a bigger surface, so for the first time in a lot of years I've been painting, I was a bit nervous. But from the moment I started, after a few centimeters it was beginning to look better, even more beautiful than I was expecting.
 What's interesting is that a smaller surface,along the shorter work time, gives you the possibility to have the whole picture, while a wall is wide and you have to stop, go a few steps back and watch. It takes some hours and if you have visitors it's hard to "explain yourself" (I think this is the fear of many artists, that the others don't understand what they want to express or that the customer is not satisfied).
 Anyway, I decided to paint non-stop, as long as my eyes and hands can take it, so that I'll be close to the finish in the same day. So, it was a sort of a 12 hour marathon, that I really enjoyed.
 The next day there where only some details left, that took me an hour to paint and the satisfaction was greater when the time I was anticipating was actually much shorter.

This is the result: a tree brought to life by the fairies and their magic dust:) I decided to keep a simple color scheme, that matches the future furniture (red-orange-nature wood) and the details very subtle and visible when you get closer.
I'd love to do this more often and I think painting walls is the 2015 resolution (of course, I'll have to start painting our own walls, while this has been on my list since some time:)

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