
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 22 aprilie 2015

Go green

 O ciubotica-cucului ("primula officinalis"), care zilele acestea a impanzit livada cu parfumul ei finut.
 Weekendul trecut, cu dor de padure si aer si verde, ne-am alaturat unei campanii frumoase, “Hai la inverzit”, care isi propune sa reimapdureasca cu ajutorul voluntarilor, suprafete cat mai mari din Romania. Am profitat de faptul ca actiunea se desfasura aproape de noi, de data aceasta si ne-am trezit de dimineata, cu chef de treaba. 

 Ne-am strans neasteptat de multi iubitori de natura si ajutati de cei de la ocolul silvic am plantat puieti de molid pe un  versant despadurit.
 Se pare ca vremea era hotarata sa ne usureze sapatul, pentru ca a plouat aproape toata ziua (a fost si putin cam racoare, dar m-am bucurat ca am putut sa imi etalez pelerina imbulinata:)
Cu voie buna, micii cercetasi care ne-au cantat tot timpul, cu aer proasat si ciripit de pasarele, treaba a mers foarte repede si placut, asa ca nici nu ne-am dat seama cand am ajuns la baza muntelui.

A fost un mod minunat de a petrece o zi de sambata (care se anunta mohorata si rece), am facut miscare in natura, am invatat cum se planteaza puietii si sper ca am contribuit, macar in parte, la o viitoare padure verde.

EN: Last weekend we took part in a great initiative, “Come to make green”, an activity initiated by an association which wants to plant as many forests as possible, with the help of volunteers. We were glad it was happening close to us, so on Saturday morning we woke up early, in the mood for fresh air and nature. The rain decided to help us by making the land moist and easy to dig and it rained almost the entire day, but this didn’t stop the people, determined to do the job. We came together quite a lot of people; I was surprised of how many people, of all ages, want to make a difference. The personal of the forest office gave us advice and joined us during the whole activity, to make sure that our work is done properly and the little spurce trees we are planting will grow strong. It was a beautiful Saturday (although it started as a grey and cold day), with the scouts singing for us, the birds joining them, fresh mountain air and the feeling of usefulness.

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